New Album, New Site, New Songs, New Photos, Same Broken Scar
4 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Friday, March 28, 2008 at 2:29 AM.

The time that we have all been waiting for has come. We are stoked to announce the launch of Broken Scar’s Double A-Side Single, The Shooting Star. This release highlights two sides of the band; the ballad-esque acoustic side through the catchy chart topping single, Shooting Star and the heavier side through Until I Fall. That’s not all, the band has also thrown in two bonus acoustic tracks, Shooting Star (Acoustic Version) and a light-hearted track, The Alien Song in this release.
This is the band’s way of saying thank you to all their fans and friends for the support throughout the years.
They have put together a sleek website to launch these songs which includes live videos from the band’s latest gigs featuring live versions of the new songs, lyrics, credits, thank you notes and heaps of pictures. You might just find yourself or someone you know in those pictures.
As promised, these songs are released in a brand new format and best of all, they are available for free. There are no physical copies of this release as it is purely online and it can be found at:
“This is an exciting new format that we are trying out, so be the first to be a part of it. Download the songs, make copies and send them to all your friends”, Kevin Teh.
The Shooting Star is out now!
To download the tracks on Facebook, just hop on to Broken Scar’s page at:
Alternative download pages:
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on

I'm also really happy to release The Shooting Star, our Double A-Side Single and it is looking real good. I am proud and very happy with what we've created and all the hard work has definitely paid off. Huge thanks to Alda, Alex, Paul, Dina, Michelle and Sel who have also put in so much effort and investing into my dream, which has come true.
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
There are four videos in the player's playlist above. Feel free to have a click around. These videos were taken at Crossborders, Laundry Bar on 31 January 2008. It was heaps of fun for us and for those who were there, here's a chance to relive the moment. For those who weren't there, I hope the videos will fill you in. Enjoy the videos! Apologies for getting them online so late. Cheers!
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Labels: Videos
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Thanks to all of you who have voted for Shooting Star on Fly FM's Campur Chart, I am stoked to announce that you have given us our third number one single! Wooooooohooooooo!!! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
Check out the chart at the link below:
Do continue to vote to keep the song on the chart. It doesn't stop here.
The official launch is not far from now. So stay tuned!
Kev Broken Scar
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Today, I sold the very first guitar I bought with my own hard earned money. It's not just an instrument. It's an extension of the person who played it. There's always sentimental value to every piece of gear.
The worst thing is I've fallen in love with Fender Strats and I can't even buy a decent American one with the money I got from selling my Ibanez. I wonder which hurts the most. Selling the guitar or coming to terms with how much it was sold for.
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Boy From Sunday
Quarter Life Crisis
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Labels: Audio Work
Dave mixing The Getaway Plan
The Getaway Plan
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on

Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on

On the flip side, I'm tired as heck after a long day's work. I should be real stoked because I did a great job but I've been having mixed feelings over the past few days. I mean, I mix bands and I can achieve a balance in sound but I can't seem to un-mix my own mixed feelings?
I don't quite know what it is I am searching for or whether I am even searching for something? All I know is God pulled me through today and because of that, I did great tonight.
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Labels: Audio Work
Thanks again! God bless you and have a weekend!
Fly FM has requested that all votes should be emailed to:
To vote:
send an email to with the subject "Broken Scar".
You can either send in a blank email, or type a short one-liner, e.g: "I would like to request for Broken Scar's Shooting Star" or "I want to vote for Broken Scar"
SMS: Type "Campur BS" and send it to 33399 (If you are in Malaysia)
To listen to the radio mix of the track, log on to:
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
I would need money because I wouldn't have any because I would be jobless. So I wish I also had a money tree. Would that be enough?
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
But today, it hit me. When you're done with school, the reading and research never ends. You keep buying books in your trade to read up, keep updated with the latest technological advancement and pretty much improve your skills. You build upon the foundation of knowledge you have already attained. There's no end to learning.
So yeah, in such a circumstance, would you have lack of faith walking in to a doctor's appointment or would you have full confidence that the good doc knows what he's doing, that he is actually better than the other docs out there?
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
SMS: Type "Campur BS" and send it to 33399
Email: with the subject "Broken Scar". You can either send in a blank email, or type a short one-liner, e.g: "I would like to request for Broken Scar's Shooting Star" or "I want to vote for Broken Scar"
That's all. It cost nothing at all, so feel free to email them as many times as you can.
You can also listen to the show online at: and
The chart plays at 7PM on Sundays and repeats on Tuesday 12AM.
To listen to the radio mix of the track, log on to:
We're currently #2 on the chart so please continue to vote for us to go to the #1 spot! Do spread the word. Thanks heaps.
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Soundwave Festival 2008
1 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Sunday, March 02, 2008 at 9:52 PM.

To me, this beats Big Day Out, any time! I normally hate festivals. I've only been to a very select few and one of them was Pushover 2007 because Silverchair was playing. I mean, check out the line-up for Soundwave. I'd be insane if I had to pass this up. The line-up was just too strong to say no to, although I hate festivals.
The Line-Up
So, we arrived at the show grounds at around 12:30 PM or so and the line was huge! There were heaps of people there already and the festival vibe was definitely right! There were 5 stages all together. Two big ones out door - Stages 1 & 2, a smaller outdoor one - Stage 5 and two indoor ones - Stages 3 & 4 which were inside a warehouse like build-up. There were just way too many bands playing and it was impossible to catch them all. So important decisions needed to be made. With the playing schedule in hand, I decided that I would catch all the bands that I really love and have not seen live before. After plotting it out, it turns out that most of my favourite bands were playing at Stage 4, the metal stage!
L-R: Stage 1 & Stage 2 @ 12:30 PM
From Autumn To Ashes @ Stage 4.
I pretty much launched straight into it. I read the Soundwave forums that FATA wasn't able to make it but it turns out they rocked up for the Melbourne show. This is the new line-up, with a proper singer this time round. It was definitely a better performance this time compared to the last time they played at The HiFi. I could hardly recognised them though as they look different from the last time I saw them. Either that, or it could have been a random band playing FATA songs. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Halifax @ Stage 1
I think this was Halifax. I saw so many bands, I could hardly remember much.
Fall Of Troy @ Stage 4.
These guys were awesome. Although they were just a three piece, they rock out big time. it's amazing how the guitarist could play all those crazy licks while singing!
Boys Like Girls @ Stage 2
Somehow, the sound on both Stages 1 and 2 were just not as good as the indoor stages. I'm guessing it was the massive wind that threw the sound all over the place. Gotta do some research on that. Audio Technology, anyone?
The sound was a bit choked when Boys Like Girls played. Everything was audible, but it was just lacking that power and the cutting edge. They were still pretty freaking awesome though. Great band to watch live. The lead singer reminds me a little bit of Greenday's Billie Joe. Great charisma.
The Starting Line @ Stage 1
I think they played heaps of new stuff. I couldn't recognise much of the songs. I didn't stay for the entire set because I went to catch Sugarcult.
Sugarcult @ Stage 3
These guys were spot on too! Out of all the stages from the start of the day till here, these guys sounded the best! It was pretty loud in here too and I had to use my earplugs. It's great to finally get to catch these guys live.
Outside Stage 3
This was when Sugarcult had just finished and everyone was herding out to either head to the toilets, the bars or to smoke.
The sea of people
Still Remains @ Stage 4
With The Starting Line. We bumped into the boys a little before Mae started playing at Stage 3.
Mae @ Stage 3
I didn't stick around to watch much of Mae because well, the metal stage was calling out for me!
The circle pit, courtesy of Bleeding Through. It doesn't seem like much in the photo. I should probably upload a video of it to show its full effect.
Bleeding Through @ Stage 4
Alda, this is for you. Digital speakers speakers my ass! (Sorry, inside joke. haha)
Haste The Day @ Stage 4
These guys were one of the three biggest highlights of the festival for me. Dream come true #1. That's one band that I can tick off the "Bands I Must See Live" list. These guys were awesome. I saw some live videos on YouTube and they sounded great. I just had to see it for myself. I was blown away!
Stage 1 @ around 7 PM
Alexisonfire @ Stage 1
This was in between the change-over at Stage 4 and me buying merch. I didn't stick around too long as well as I've seen these guys not too long ago.
Shadows Fall @ Stage 4
These guys were just as metal as metal can get!
Jim Ward @ Stage 5
I had to pop by Stage 5 to check it out. This was the only time I stepped by this stage throughout the entire day. I just caught a little bit of the last song.
Incubus @ Stage 2
I told myself I wouldn't catch Incubus because I've lost interest in them but since it was change-over time at Stage 4, I thought, what the heck! They actually played their hits this time round, so it was pretty cool. The sound at this stage improved though. I'm guessing it's the engineer + getting the good console. There were 4 or 5 consoles at the control area for Stages 1 & 2 by the way.
When a band was playing on Stage 1, the next band scheduled to play on Stage 2 will be sound checking and vice versa. There was very little change over time. The dust at these stages was just madness though. If you look at the pictures and go, "why are the pictures so blur and grainy?", that's the dust. It was all over the place.
As I Lay Dying @ Stage 4
Dream come true #2! Wow, what can I say? I took out my earplugs and decided to fully enjoy the show. It was time to headbang, big time! Another band to tick off in the "Bands I Must See Live" list.
Killswitch Engage @ Stage 4
Dream come true #3. This was the ultimate closing for the night. It was between these guys and The Offspring and I thought, I've missed these guys twice already and missing them this time would just be a stupid thing to do. So yes, I made Stage 4 my Sooundwave home! It was definitely worth waiting for them all day. I could have left earlier in the day with my friends, but I decided to stay. I was dead tired and my legs were gonna break but it was all worth it. I made new friends at the metal stage. There were kids being idiots all over, pushing through here and there but there were some real cool people here too.
Oh, KsE made the crowd do the "wall of death", where the crowd splits into two right in the middle and when the music comes back in, they run into each other. I was standing at stage left, quite far up the front and when this happened, everyone fell over each other. I spent almost half a song trying to help people get up. There were funny moments at Soundwave for sure. This dude fell over, he was lying on the ground on his back and another dude landed on him. All I heard was, "my balls!!!". It's funny now, but I doubt it was funny for him.
KsE played an awesome set, mixed up with old and new songs. My Last Serenade was a killer! I just loved the squeals Adam did. It was squeal-fest! Adam's guitar was significantly louder than Joel's. Maybe that's because I'm standing on stage left and the engineer was running a stereo mix. It's amazing how these guys play and sing spot on while flying around the stage like maniacs. There's definitely no excuse for not being perfect on stage while putting on great theatrics.
The conclusion; by the end of the day, I had spent too much money on merch and ended up coming home with the shape of sunnies perpetually on my face, in other words, I got sunburnt. It was pretty cold and I even had my hoodie on. I was indoors most of the time and yet I got sunburnt. It was an awesome day out at the festival.
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on