
I mixed The Bright Star Alliance and The Vaine at Bang tonight. Bang's an alternative night held in Melbourne city itself at Royal Melbourne Hotel. Both the bands were awesome and it was great fun to mix them. It was even more fun doing the lights and sound at the same time.

On the flip side, I'm tired as heck after a long day's work. I should be real stoked because I did a great job but I've been having mixed feelings over the past few days. I mean, I mix bands and I can achieve a balance in sound but I can't seem to un-mix my own mixed feelings?

I don't quite know what it is I am searching for or whether I am even searching for something? All I know is God pulled me through today and because of that, I did great tonight.

Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on


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    Who Is Broken Scar:

    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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