
You know what hurts a musician the most? Having to sell away his gear. In the words of Alda Tan, "musicians should never have to sell their gear". Well, unless they want to of course, not because they have to.

Today, I sold the very first guitar I bought with my own hard earned money. It's not just an instrument. It's an extension of the person who played it. There's always sentimental value to every piece of gear.

The worst thing is I've fallen in love with Fender Strats and I can't even buy a decent American one with the money I got from selling my Ibanez. I wonder which hurts the most. Selling the guitar or coming to terms with how much it was sold for.

Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on

2 Responses to “Sold”

  1. # Blogger Lydia

    I sold off my first Kawai upright for a keyboard - it feels different and I don't really like her. =( But she's easy to maintain and mobile la.  

  2. # Blogger Kevin Broken Scar

    Yeah, nvm la, gotta live with the changes. hehe. I'm just dying to get a strat. we'll see...hehe..oh, plus i remember you telling me this story when we hung out the first time. hehe  

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    Who Is Broken Scar:

    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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