Radio Malaya Launch
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 2:25 PM.

The audition was a load of fun. We had a good time and the sound was awesome, thanks to Wafiey, sound engineer for the audition. Very talented dude.
We arrived at Istana Budaya early and we were one of the first bands there. We registered and did the necessary. We were the first band to enter the audition room. We plugged in and played. Because there was no soundcheck and we were the first band up, the mic was a little soft but the judges were kind to let us re-start the song. We had a false start, not once, but twice. But it was all good, it was early in the morning and it nobody's fault at all. We gave our all and we had fun. That's all that mattered.
Broken Scar On Hitz.TV
2 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Friday, April 21, 2006 at 8:00 PM.

We were a messy bunch! Should have taken a picture with all the yummy food!

Mr. Manshaan

Mr. Alex Ang

Mr. Zack Kim

Mr. & Mrs. Tan

The attack of the killer tomatoes?
So what's the occasion for this dinner? Yes, like the title of this entry suggests, yours trully just turned 23 yesterday. It was a good time hanging out with bandmates and musicians.
Exactly one year ago, Alda and I had dinner at a restaurant near the recording studio after laying down the bass tracks for the album. This means that we took exactly one year to complete the whole Broken Scar debut album.
We had marmite prawns then and I thought it'll be cool to have that again, this time the prawns were a lot larger. So here's the menu, just for fun...
1. Marmite Tiger Prawns
2. Steamed Tiger Prawns
3. Fried Fish In Soy Sauce
4. Kangkong Fried With Chilli And Belachan
5. Claypot Beancurd
6. Deep Fried Calamari
7. Thai Style Mango Chicken
Oh, the dinner was at Pantai Seafood Restaurant...simple, but excellent food.
I started celebrating early though. It started the night before the day even. The night before was a story on its own though. It started off with just a simple dinner with a friend who didn't even know it was gonna be my brithday and when she found out, without planning, we headed to The Loft. Bumped into heaps of people there, people from the music scene, bands, friends etc. It was all good. The partying doesn't have to stop, my brithday last for weeks. Whooaaahahaha.
Oh hey, guess what. Broken Scar’s CD sample is done. I’m going to head out and inspect it. If all goes well, I’d sign the approval to duplicate and mass produce it by today and the CD will be on the way! We’re getting closer!
So I’m on leave today and I’m feeling good about it. There’s nothing much planned up and the master plan is to not plan and just do nothing. I was determined to sleep in today but to my amazement, I was awake by nine. This shows that my body clock has been tuned to sleep and rise early.
Though I woke up early, I was still tired. I’m convinced that it’s because I haven’t really stopped and rested since JB. Though I was tired, I still felt restless thinking, this can’t be it, there must be something to do. Then I’d remind myself, that’s right, that something to do is to do nothing!
With all those reminders, I still felt restless. The solution? Think of something to do quickly and do it. In reaction, I drove out to get a haircut. Now here’s another interesting story.
Whenever I mention the words “hair cut” what I really mean is a trim. I always return from the salon looking quite the same with very little difference. So what is it that I actually do? I shave the insides and layer it to thin it down because I have very thick hair. By doing that, it automatically shortens about an inch or two. So that’s it. I haven’t changed my hairstyle for years now and I’ve grown very used to it.
On another note, it seems like my style of writing in here has changed quite a bit. I’m writing from a first person’s perspective more! What have I become?
I haven’t been blogging as regularly lately and now that I have the time and my mind seems to be in the blogging mode, I’ll keep going.
It’s quite difficult to pin point maturity sometimes. When is someone ever “matured enough”?
At one particular point in time, when one examines his life, he would probably think, “yeah, I’ve reached a certain level of maturity” and others around him may comment, “Wow, you’re matured for your age”. Then a year passes and he would look back and go, “Why was I so naïve and immature? Why did I say the things I said and why did I do the things I did that way? I could have handled this situation better. I could have done this and that better in a more matured adult manner”.
So one year after the next will pass and the same question will repeat itself.
I guess as we all grow up and as time forwards, there’s always the fact that we’d look back and can’t help but to laugh out loud at the silly things. There’s no point hanging on to the past and dwelling upon it too much though. It’s good to reflect, analyze, learn and move on. So here we go, when are we actually matured enough to make the right judgements? The question stands.
I always have a million and one things to say and worst of all I keep going round and round in circles taking such a long time to actually reach the point. But that’s the beauty of life isn’t it? It’s the journey that matters and not the destination.
Sometimes when we embark on a journey knowing the exact destination right ahead, we’d be disappointed when the direction changes and leads us to another destination instead. Yes, there may be a little disappointment at first, but it is when you look at it as a whole, as a big picture in a positive perspective, that you realise that there has been so much learnt through that journey and finally reaching this point.
Here’s an interesting story from JB while I was on the Xfresh Tour. It’s amazing how much we learn when we get out of our comfort zone and by that I mean performing in the comfort of the Klang Valley.
I met the guy who was in charge of all those mini bikes and we went into a conversation about those bikes but for some strange reason, the matter of age popped up. So I asked the guy how old he was and the conversation went like this.
He went, “how old do you think I am?
“30”, I guessed because he looked like that age.
“46”, he replied.
I was blown away, for a man his age with wife and kids to still be so active in this extreme sport.
Then he said, “Now this is your cue to ask me how I do it”. By that he meant, how he stayed looking young.
So I laughed and said what he asked me to say, “How?” and these were his words.
“Apa yang kamu sedang buat. Ketawa dan senyum selalu”
In English. “Exactly what you’re doing now. Always laugh and smile”
Those were one of the coolest words I’ve heard from anybody, with such simplicity. It’s amazing what we learn through the people we come across.
Broken Scar In The Star
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Thursday, April 06, 2006 at 10:21 PM.

Click here to read the article online

Looks like the fishes are in a giant whirlpool. This particular display really amused me. How could a huge tree like that get in there? Would fish actually co-exist with land trees in the "real" world? Very amusing.

This is one horny fish

Bagaikan diriku tapak sulaiman? The MIX, Indrani boys and pretty much the whole Xfresh crew would know what I mean...Giggles.

What a beauty

The Moonfish was and is one of my favorite fish ever. The colors are just so vibrant, don't you think? I used to love art class in school. I'd paint all my fish like Moonfish!

Just gotta love the vibrant blue

This is one huge shark. They looked heavily sedated though.

Kids on an excursion posing for the camera

The main tank, the main attraction.
To continue to vote, click here.
P/S: The registration on their website is free of charge. No SMS, nothing.

This picture was taken by a good friend, Ragavan at UTM, JB during the Xfresh Tour. Don't be fooled by the size of the bike. It's not for children but for full grown adults and it could reach a top speed of 80 to 100 kmph. Yes, it's no joke. Yours trully took a go at it and boy, one would need skills to crouch and position your body to balance yourself and ride this thing.

...and this is how much I love Xfresh and The Xfresh Xplorer

My humble CD collection. I know it's not as huge as I want it to be, but what choice do I have? Most of the bands that I love and adore are unavailable here and even if they are, I'd have to pay through my nose for it. I'll wait till when I get to the land of abundant loud music to increase my inventory.

Yes, as you can see, my room is in such a mess with extension chords hanging all over and Story Of The Year's In The Wake Of Determination sits on a keyboard that has never been set up. That says a lot about my priorities doesn't it? Music first, computer last. Moving on. This CD is my current craze (it's not that current, I was addicted to it since it was given to me when it was released) and I think that they've managed to capture the band's live essence and energy onto this piece of plastic. Amazing melodies, crazy vocal hooks, sing along choruses driven by heavy guitar riffs that makes SOTY sound more metal compared to their debut album, insane basslines and I've just got to love the drums and all the attacks. Sheer raw energy and emotion. Love it!
This band is brilliant. Dan Marsala, the singer is only 24 or 25 and though he's around my age, I admire and look up to him.
So, yours truly went to the auditions for Rock Star: Supernova. How did it all happen and what was the outcome? Well, let’s recall.
Maybe it was the fact that I woke up at
Maybe it was the fact that I was too tired after working all day, by this I mean my day job?
Maybe it’s my dad pestering me to go give it a shot?
Maybe it’s the encouragement from Alda saying that it’ll be a great experience?
Maybe secretly I wanted to try out anyway?
Whatever reason it may be, I was there at the auditions. I ended up there on time, right before they wrapped up. I was number 96. There wasn’t much of a queue there and it was pretty laidback for a normally nerve wrecking reality show like this. Well, I had my minus one with me, the same one I used throughout the Xfresh Tour in JB and thank God I had friends there.
With all that lack of sleep, light headedness, and the energy coming up from a friend psyching me up, I was calm but I knew I was there to have a good time, have fun and enjoy the experience. With all that energy, I signed up the forms, got my picture taken and waited for my turn.
Then my turn came and I went in the room and sang my heart out to my minus one. So hey, after all that beating around the bush, I didn’t get through, I think. The call back is tomorrow. I doubt they’d call me back.
But hey, it was all good fun and it was a great experience. The plus side of things, I met Sam Gollestani and Holly Gardner in person. Oh, I had a good time toying with the camera though. It was a blast.
I received a call either on Tuesday or Wednesday from a good friend telling me that Scratch went to number one on one of the charts on Xfresh FM. I didn’t catch it myself and I don’t really know which chart it was on, but number one is cool.
This wouldn’t have been possible firstly without the grace of God and of course all of you who have voted and requested for Scratch on Xfresh. Here’s a huge thanks to all of you who picked up the phone and jammed the lines on Xfresh and all of you who voted for it online. THANK YOU!
Keep it up though, keep voting and requesting for Scratch. Don’t stop with just Xfresh, please pester all the other radio stations too., Red FM, Fly FM etc… With all your help, let’s make it stay at number one for as long as possible.