These are some of the pictures I took over the last week around Melbourne, just for fun to take in landscapes of the city, admiring God's work.

I just thought that this was a very colourful sight so I snapped a picture. I'm a sucker for vibrant colours, if you haven't noticed. This was taken at the little lane where Yu-U is.

Gelati at Antica Gelateria del Corso, on Collins Street.

I hardly walk up this way on Collins Street and look what I found? Well, it probably not new to Melburnians but it was to me as I'm still slowly discovering this intricate city.

Looking pretty mean.

The word 'laidback' comes to mind when I look at this picture. The sky seems blue-er here, without a cloud in sight.

Melbourne by night.


2 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger albert

    If you love vibrant colors, change to Manual mode on your Canon Ixus and set the color mode to Vivid. I left it on that setting permanently!  

  2. # Blogger Kevin Broken Scar

    Yeah man, I've got it on those settings after you changed it. Been using that setting ever since. Plus, I've also been picking up some techniques here and there from your blog. Mess around a bit, but no where as good as what you do. hehe. Everything I know about cameras is from you dude! hehe. Thanks a million!  

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    Who Is Broken Scar:

    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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