Am I Used?

Currently listening to: Sound The Alarm

My MP3 player has been acting up and I’m suffering from the lack of music when I’m travelling on the tram these days. Maybe it’s a sign that I should get an Ipod?

All of a sudden everything’s just a blank as I type this. I must have lost the hang of blogging after being away from it for a while. I should be able to get it back in a while.

The Used and Saosin are coming to Melbourne and this makes me a happy boy. I can’t believe non of my friends here are into them. What has the world come to? I’ve got my tickets secured and I’m going, period.

This is going to be an awesome year! It’s already been awesome, I mean I saw Silverchair and Deftones already, it can only get a whole lot better! Story Of The Year and Funeral For A Friend are scheduled to release their albums respectively this year, which means they would have to tour to support the albums. Eagerly waiting for them to announce an Aussie tour.

3 Responses to “Am I Used?”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    The Used,Saosin...How I wish that Im in Australia right now... *sigh*  

  2. # Blogger soraya barakbah

    well i know funeral for a friend will be in bristol 13th od may. yay. haha. so i guess their uk tour is in may.. australia.. before? after?  

  3. # Blogger Kevin Broken Scar

    karl: Good to know that you're into these bands. I thought no one gave a tiny rat's ass. hehe.

    Soraya: Are you into funeral as well? Is the Give It A Name Festival near you? Not sure when it is also. Thanks for the tips, I'm guessing funeral will come after May. If it's before that, it would have been announced by now. Wooohoo, fingers crossed. P/S: How are you by the way? Hope all is well on your end.  

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    Who Is Broken Scar:

    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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