WHAT good would another year of coffee cafe or open mic club gigs be without the KL Sing Song festival? It’s time to make a bigger dent.
Despite only making the headlines recently, this annual celebration of Malaysian singer-songwriters on stage and in seminar rooms is vital in giving a voice to the independent music community and furthering its cause into the mainstream.
It might have had a low-key start last year, but the upcoming KL Sing Song 2006, presented by Troubadours Enterprise, with support from Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage and KL Performing Arts Centre (KLPac) is big news for the singer-songwriter circuit.
It isn’t exactly Rock The World in size nor will it pack out stadiums, but the pro-active momentum and music spread from this vibrant singer-songwriter scene is anything but dull. From folk, pop, rock, indie, piano-pop and jazz, the list of styles is healthy.
This home-grown singer-songwriter event features 12 top-drawer names across the workshop, seminar and stage schedules.
Names tapped for the fest are rather impressive and they include Shanon Shah (best male vocalist, AIM 2006), Meor, Pete Teo, Shelley Leong, Pak Pandir (winner of Juara Lagu, Irama Malaysia 1992), Mia Palencia, Mei Chern, Reza Salleh (founder of Moonshine concert series), Fathulistiwa Soundscapes, Broken Scar, Ariff Akhir and Rhapsody.
Two full gigs at KLPac’s Pentas 2, in Sentul West, KL, on July 14 and 15 are the highlights of the fest.
For the list of workshop and seminars, browse (klsingsong.blogspot.com). Ticketing details at (www.klpac.com).
Map to No Black Tie
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 11:05 PM.

Here's a shout out to all of you who voted. Thanks a million! You rock!
Huge thanks to DJ Rex for the surprise!
More Gigs @ No Black Tie
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Sunday, June 25, 2006 at 11:49 AM.

Before the month of June makes an exit, I better plug this.
1. Broken Scar is featured in the first ever edition of Jump Magazine, an entertainment/street fashion mag. To read all about it, feel free to pick it up at the stores. I saw some in Mid Valley.
2. The album is reviewed on Xfresh's website. Click HERE to read all about it.
"Berdiri di atas kaki sendiri, jika anda mengikuti Xfresh Independent Top 10 yang ke udara setiap hari Isnin hingga Jumaat bersama Burn pada jam 5 petang dan mencintai lagu-lagu ciptaan pemuzik underground, pasti anda suka Broken Scar.
Album Midnight in St. Kilda menyaksikan kehadiran seorang lagi penggiat muzik yang baru dan berbakat, Kevin Teh selaku vokalis, pemain gitar dan juga produser, muncul di persada seni tanahair.
Kevin punya suara yang kita mahu dengar. Sedap dan ada identiti tersendiri. Dua belas lagu termuat di dalam album ini, sebahagian besarnya mengangkat tema kehidupan dalam adunan muzik lembut dan rock." - Xfresh FM
The Weekend That Began On Thursday
3 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Monday, June 19, 2006 at 8:23 PM.

Like the title of this post suggests, my weekend began on Thursday.
After a week that included the Seventeen Magazine photo shoot, jamming, the Central Market gig and a final jam session, the weekend began. The time came for the Project Bazooka show that featured Broken Scar and Curtis Blues Review at The Laundry, The Curve. It was a show that I’ve been very eager about since we got a call for it.
Alex had jammed with Alda and I twice, preparing for the seven song set at Laundry while Paul joined us for the second session before the show. My schedule was so packed that I informed Paul about the show a little late, but not too late to practice. So due to the late notice, I arranged the set in a way that we will feature Paul for the last two or three songs. While jamming, it turned out that he was comfortable with all the seven songs. SWEET!
Thursday, 15 June 2006
All of us except Paul were at Laundry in the afternoon for sound check at around 2pm. Leonard was the sound engineer for the show. However Wafiey called up and said he would engineer for us. So we had two engineers for the show. Fantastic! Leonard did the sound check while Wafiey engineered for the show with Leonard chipping in.
I think I had the most relaxed and fun sound check ever this time around. It was one of the longest sound checks too as we had to set up the stage from almost scratch including setting up the drums, positioning the drums, amps and mic stands, clearing up the web of cables and sorting out the layout of the carpet and the stage. It was fun though as we could customize the stage to our liking. This sound check would have been by far the closest to a concert like sound check where you rehearse the songs in the set, running through the fast songs, slow songs, loud songs and the softer songs. Leonard did a great job too, sorting out the sound, monitors and the works. I think the whole sound check took about two hours!
After sound check, Alda left to return to teaching while Alex and I went to borrow some cymbal stands and a snare. We returned to Laundry when Curtis Blues Review were doing their sound check to dump the gear and left to Alex’s place.
We hung out and watched the Roadrunner Records DVD and listened to Alex’s old band! It’s cool how both the drummers I work with are so into metal.
We headed back to Laundry at 730pm. We set up the stage, ready for the show.
After everyone in the band arrived, we did an interview with Effa and her team for an English entertainment program, In Sight for RTM 2.
It was a very laidback interview. We were seated on a couch just sharing our views about the Malaysian music industry, our background and of course we had to plug our debut record!
Dinner was on the house after the interview. Superb food I tell you. I expected the food to be simple but it was stuff from the menu which was great! It was more like a feast rather than a dinner. I didn’t dare eat too much as we were about to play. Dinner was at 9 and it was a good one, hanging out.
We then kicked off the show around 10pm. Here is the set list for those of you wondering what the titles of the songs were.
1. Bleeding
2. Venus
3. Hey You
4. Clocks
5. Soul Reaper
6. Down
7. Scratch
I think the sound was great as we heard ourselves clearly on stage and according to some friends, it sounded alright from the front of house too. I felt that the sound was balanced. At most gigs, the vocals normally tend to drown out, but this one was fine. We had a great time and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. We hope you did too. Feedback is highly appreciated.
Alex and I hung out a little more after the show with some friends and eventually headed home.
Here's a shout out to dD, Nana, F e e, Irman, Badak, Ishaq, Tania, The Angels, Elaine, Melanie, and everyone who showed up. It was a freaking good time! Oh Bianca, woot! Thanks heaps for helping out. Thanks to Leonard and Wafiey for the excellent sound, The Laundry for hosting this wonderful event and Yuri for organizing it and having us to play. Huge thanks!

Look at the typo, do we sound like the Mighty Mighty Bostones? Haha

Mr. Alda Tan on bass

Mr. Paul Chuah from Qings & Kueens on lead guitar

Mr. Alex Ang from Cosmic Funk Express on drums

Rockin' Out!
*The pictures above are courtesy of Albert Ng
Friday, 16 June 2006
Friday was just a blur. I think I spent it just sleeping, chilling out and practicing for the weekend shows.
Saturday, 17 June 2006
Two shows again on Saturday.
It started with the Inti College Carnival in Subang. I played solo and it was only a short two song set. It was good though to play to students as the target audience is more concentrated. The carnival had heaps of good food but it was expensive. Not to mention the parking too. I should have parked inside the college but I parked at Asia Café instead. The damage was 10bucks! Then it rained which made the whole place pretty much miserable. Due to the rain I couldn’t get my car and keep my gear. Bryan and Two Sides To A Story were there too at the show. We hung out a while which turned out great because May and Choy from MTV showed up and I got to snap a picture with them. It was all good fun.
After the commotion, I finally managed to borrow an umbrella and sorted the car and gear issue out. Then I was off to hang out some more at a friend’s place. Not long after, we all left and headed to Alliance Francais for the second show for Fete De La Musique. It was an interesting show. It had rained before and it was pretty gloomy there too. There were two outdoor stages and one inside. I was scheduled to play in the café but there wasn’t anyone there. So I played at the garden stage which was cool. The organizers limited the set to three songs, but since the audience wanted more, they kept yelling “one more, one more, come on, one more song!” So I went, “okay, I’ll play to you while the next band sets up”. I walked around with my guitar while singing Scratch. It felt like Woodstock 1994 because there was mud all over the place. Again, it was all good fun.
My friends and I headed out for a very late dinner after and this was when the ride began! We got lost! So we went in rounds and we arrived to eat REALLY late. We headed to Maison after that to hang out more. I left early because there was the SMKDJ show the next day.
Caught up with heaps of friends and bands. By the end of it all I was dead tired. I finally got home at 330 and my car was covered in mud because it got caught in a muddy ditch earlier and the wheel sorta got stuck and it spun the mud all over. So I washed the car as much as I could but it was so dark I couldn’t really see much. Finally closed my eyes at around 4 plus and the alarm was set at 7am.

Bryan & I

Two Sides To A Story


The MTV Twins, May & Choy. This would probably be every man's dream come true.

Now you see her...

Now you don't...

In you go, make sure the door is closed.

There you go, 21 students in a mini. This gave them a world record.

Later at night @ Alliance Francais for Fete De La Musique.
Sunday, 18 June 2006
7am. Press snooze button.
730am. Finally woke up.
815am. Left home.
850am. Arrived at SMKDJ
1030am. Performed “Down” solo for DJ Factor, talent contest as a guest artiste.
1145am. Performed “Scratch” and “Down” at carnival’s main stage as guest band.
I think this would be the earliest show I’ve played since I left high school as most of the shows I play are at night or in the afternoon. The whole school vibe kinda brings back memories of my high school life even though SMKDJ wasn’t even my school.
It was a typical school carnival for raising funds, just that this one was much cooler! They had heaps of food around the school compound and canteen area. They had canopies set up where the car park usually is to shade the tables and chairs for people to hang out and eat. There were also very cool games set up for all. The coolest game in particular was the dunking one where someone sits on a platform while people aim for the target to dunk that person on the platform into the water tank below. My school never had anything like this.
Another highlight was the DJ Factor talent contest. I should say that all the contestants were fantastic. Such young and raw talent, if only I had enough money to become a talent scout. There were two guys in particular that were really talented. Jebat and Daniel. Jebat man! Whoever who has that name has to be cool man! JEBAT!
Alex arrived in time for the DJ Factor. After all ten contestants finished their songs, I played. I went up with my Norman acoustic and plugged in. But when I started playing, I heard distortion man! COOL! The kids were amazing. Thanks heaps for the awesome support!
After that Alda arrived. We hung out a bit and then we were on for our band performance at the main stage. Broken Scar played as a three piece. I broke a string right at the intro so Alex and Alda did a drum and bass solo while I replaced the string. In no time, I jumped back on stage and hit Scratch followed by Down. Again, thanks so much to all the teachers, students of SMKDJ and everyone else who turned up. We had a blast!

DJ Factor. Unfortunately, I couldn't snap pictures of myself...

Alex & Alda

Happy Alex

Rock Alex!
Broken Scar Live @ Fete De La Musique
3 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Friday, June 16, 2006 at 3:22 PM.

Click on the flyer to see map and details, enlarged.
Do swing by as there will be heaps of performances from all genres, including singer-songwriters and bands. My brother's band, Army Of Three will also be playing. Come hang out, it starts from 11am to 11pm.
Broken Scar Live @ The Laundry
1 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 2:37 AM.

Broken Scar will be performing with a full line-up this Thursday, featuring Alda Tan(Cosmic Funk Express) on bass, Alex Ang(Cosmic Funk Express) on drums and Paul Chuah(Qings & Kueens) on lead guitar.
Here are the details.
Venue: The Laundry at The Curve, PJ
Date: 15/06/06. Thursday
Time: 9pm
Bands: Broken Scar, Curtis Blues Review & Opening band from Laundry.
The best part is, THIS GIG IS FREE!!!
So come hang out and destress on a Thursday evening. We'll be playing most of the songs off the album and some of the acoustic songs the way you've never heard them before!
Thursday is the new Friday!
2. It is difficult to predict the speed of cars traveling on the highway, so please, hop lanes only when there is a distance large and safe enough to make that lane swap. Don’t be a hero and jump out of your lane right into the speed in front of cars which already have a pretty good momentum on that lane.
3. Oh, if you come out of the junction, PLEASE STEP ON IT! Again, cars which are already moving along the lane have picked up enough speed and momentum, so don’t kill the flow! STEP on it!!!
4. It’s insane when you sleep so much yet you don’t feel rested at all.
5. It’s annoying when you want to sleep and your mind starts thinking about a million and one things which prevent you from sleeping soundly, or falling asleep in the first place.
6. It is worse when you get up, try to work and because you’ve lacked sleep, you’d be too tired to think and work.
7. During jamming days, the whole day before the session would just be a slow motion ride, blurry most of the way, thinking about sleeping almost the whole time. I feel that my day only starts at night when I jam. I feel alive when I jam. After jamming I'd be so awake that I can't sleep.
Jun 15 2006
The Laundry
Mutiara Damansara
Jun 17 2006
Inti College Subang
Subang Jaya
Jun 17 2006
Fete De La Musique
Kuala Lumpur
Jun 18 2006
SMK Damansara Jaya
Jul 14 2006
KLPAC - KL Sing Song 2006
Kuala Lumpur
Jul 15 2006
KLPAC - KL Sing Song 2006
Kuala Lumpur
P/S: I know everything is all over the place, blog, website, myspace...I hope to update everything as prompt as possible. Thanks guys for checking in.
Oh, on another note, here are three more links regarding the Ben Moody post.
I know most of this news is not at all new, I just thought I'd tie it in with the Moody post.
Ex-Evanescence Guitarist Ben Moody Thanks Avril For His Solo Career
*From MTV News. The voice of today's mainstream music and tv. Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice. You could also say that it is poisoning the minds of the youth and society, but hey, it's entertainment.
Seether Singer Mouths Off At Ben Moody Fan
*This is the release that we were talking about. The link title suggests it all.
Ben Moody Who?
*This is where the public speaks up. Some love him and some hate him. While I read through the comments, I spotted someone say somehting like, " why the heck bother with this, it's not like it's Jimmy Page leaving Led Zep or something". I thought that was funny. I guess that little forum turned into a grammar discourse more than anything else.
Oh well, whatever it is, everyone is entitled their opinion and I think that Ben is a good song writer, so are Avril and Kelly.
This post is for those who are wondering what happened to Evanescence. To Ivan and Anonymous who commented. Cheers!
Broken Scar: Evanescence is such a controversy filled band. Read the entire text at: www.wikipedia.orgThe text below is adapted from www.wikipedia.org
Evanescence is currently working on their second album, titled The Open Door, due for release in the USA on October 3, 2006 and in Australia on September 30, 2006
The album will feature 13 tracks, including first single Call Me When You're Sober, and 'Good Enough'. Lee reported that 'Good Enough' is not like any other ballad she has written before as its background is more happy. Others tracks listed on The Open Door are 'Weight Of The World' and a cover of Lacrimosa from Mozart'sRequiem
The album has progressed slowly for a number of reasons, but perhaps chiefly because of Amy Lee's desire to allow the creative process to fully take its course and not rush production. Besides that, other distractions have included other band members' side projects, health problems concerning guitarist Terry Balsamo. The release was pushed to October, allegedly because "Wind-Up [the band's current record label] wants to make a few changes to the upcoming single 'Call Me When You're Sober' and the controversy revolving around the dismissal of their former manager. Lee stated on Evboard that Evanescence's new album will be wrapping up in March 2006.
The Evanescence website was also updated after a long period of stasis to reflect the aforementioned press release.
Amy Lee has confirmed that she wrote a song for the 2005 film version of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe released by Disney, but it was rejected by producers due to it being "too dark and epic." However, Amy Lee said it was just more great material for the upcoming album The Open Door.*Article taken from www.wikipedia.org
Wikipedia is a kickass site for everything and anything! Thanks Wikipedia!

Picture taken from www.wikipedia.com

Picture taken from www.wikipedia.com
This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time now. Here’s why I posted these pictures of Avril Lavigne and Kelly Clarkson. Read on.
There’s someone that links the two. His name is Ben Moody. No, this is not some boy-girl-relationship
Ben Moody was the lead guitarist for rock band Evanescence, a band that he formed while in high school with Amy Lee. So what does he have to do with Avril and Kelly?
Ever noticed how Avril’s and Kelly’s songs have that similar rock edge? Ever wondered why some of the songs and style have a similar feel and sound? Also noticed similarities in the vocal harmonies?
This is because Ben Moody was involved in the song writing process for some songs with both Avril and Kelly. He co-wrote the tracks "Nobody's Home" and "Take Me Away" with Avril on her sophomore record, Under My Skin. He also collaborated with David Hodges and Kelly Clarkson on Clarkson's most recent album, Breakaway. Moody and Hodges helped co-write Clarkson's single "Because Of You" and "Addicted." And guess what? “Because Of You” was also co-written by Avril.
Avril’s album, Under My Skin debut at No. 1 in
Avril Lavigne also worked with the following song writers. Chantal Kreviazuk, Butch Walker of Marvelous 3, and her former lead guitarist Evan Taubenfeld. Kreviazuk's husband, Our Lady Peace front-man Raine Maida, co-produced the album with Butch Walker and Don Gilmore.
Clarkson’s single releases from Breakaway however, proved very successful, and allowed it to become certified five-times platinum in the U.S. on January 18, 2006[14] and quadruple platinum in Canada on September 29, 2005.[15] In
I couldn’t help but to notice the similarities in the song writing and especially the vocal harmonies in both Avril’s and Kelly’s songs, so it prompted me to do this. I just had a very strong feeling it was either Avril and Kelly influenced each other or they collaborated. I also had a strong gut feeling that they could have shared the same song writer. My other guesses were that they had the same vocal coach or the same producer. I was close enough.
With the right song writers, producers, the entire management and promotions teams and A&R, I can safely conclude that the artiste will likely be a hit. A little saccharine packaged product will not hurt.
Thanks to Alda for the initial info that sparked this off.
Text reference from www.wikipedia.org
P/S: Avril and Kelly are my current favourite female singers.
Pictures From WPFD Gig
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Wednesday, June 07, 2006 at 11:43 AM.

"What should I do with my hands?
How should I pose?
What should I do?
Do I smile?
Do I frown?
Do I look at the camera or away?
I should have brought my guitar, right?
Would I be a poser if I pose too much?"
The whole time, I was too conscious.
Anyway, I'm too exhausted to write now and I'd probably write rubbish if I go on, so I will continue tomorrow and hopefully put up some pictures tomorrow.

So here is one of the shots that Emir of Throne Away took. "Man, what do I do with my hands? It's more nervewrecking than playing live!" This picture was taken at the very start of it. I hope the other pics turn out okay and I don't look so dorky.
I think that the shoot was an amazing experience. I guess it also comes with practice. The more shoots there are, the more one will get more comfortable.
I caught up with Ili who works with EH! Mag, we got to talking, headed out for dinner and talked more. It was really interesting meeting someone who has such a wide knowledge in our local music scene.
I just woke up and I don't feel as rested as I should be. I should go now.
P/S: Throne Away have great pics and they have really cool poses! Rock on Throne Away. Guys, I'd wear a Throne Away t-shirt everywhere, hint hint!
Happy Birthday Troubaganger!
5 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Monday, June 05, 2006 at 4:22 AM.

So it’s
I left the house so early this morning I couldn’t even remember what time it was that I left. It wasn’t extremely early, but it was early enough for a Sunday morning. I headed over to Central Market for the World Press Freedom Day gig organized by CIJ. The sound on the Front Of House was good but the stage sounded a little funny. Monitoring the whole band was a little difficult and I think we could have done a lot better. But overall, I had heaps of fun just rocking out, acoustic style! We could play the louder songs which we hardly play during acoustic shows. The feel was just right. I had an awesome time watching the other bands, catching up with friends and musicians.
Thanks Sonia and Hasbee for organizing this wonderful event and taking care of us. You guys rock!
And as usual, I stayed till the end of the show. It was about
Then it was time to head over to La Bodega for Troubaganger’s 1st Anniversary! The place was packed again and all the performers were simply awesome. Wish I wasn’t so hungry and tired so I could have met them all.
Again, I stayed till the end of this show, also because I played open mic right at the end. Though the crowd had thinned down a lot by then, I still played anyway. It’s always a warm feeling about La Bodega because every time I step through the door, it feels like stepping home. I played Shooting Star, a song that is not on the Midnight In St. Kilda album and dedicated it to Fikri, the singing waiter at La Bodega. He’s been requesting for that song ever since I played it a long time back and I think it’s been months. Somehow, the mood was just right for the song tonight and Fikri sang along too. Then I ended the two song open mic set with a slower version of Scratch, just because the mood was right. That’s what La Bodega does. The songs really bounce off the atmosphere and ambience of the place, according to its feel and mood. I never really know what to plat at La Bodega gigs and the spontaneity really adds to the thrill.
Two gigs in a day. It reminded me of the first time ever that I played at La Bodega for open mic. It was right after playing a few stages at Fete De La Musique in 2005.
Congratulations Azmyl Yunor, Tan Sei Hon, Jerome Kugan and Jasmine Low for keeping Troubaganger alive and kickin! I truly appreciate our friendship and all the tremendous support from the four of you.
Happy Birthday, Happy 1st Anniversary Troubaganger.
Open Mic @ The Laundry
10 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Saturday, June 03, 2006 at 8:34 PM.

Thursday night was a blast! I headed out to jam after a long day at work and I was indeed exhausted even before the session. Somehow, I felt that my day actually started at jamming. It always refreshing and regenerating. Miss jamming with the band.
I headed to The Laundry after jamming. I didn’t plan to go at first because I knew I’d be dead tired. But heck, I went anyway to catch Rhapsody play and to catch up with friends. Man, would I have regretted if I had not gone. It was like walking in to a family reunion, except that it was a million times better! No family politics and childish games. It was just good fun hanging out with friends, who I think are family to me.
Because I came from jamming, I had my guitar in the car and when Reza asked if I wanted to open mic, I thought, why not!
All the acts were simply amazing that night and it was just awesome soaking it all up. When it came to open mic, I was literally shivering, thinking, “how am I gonna deliver?”, but I jamming earlier warmed me up already and I just did what I love doing the most. Because I just came out of jamming with the band, I played the two songs, Down and Scratch as if I were playing with the band. I could almost hear them just behind.
I told myself while driving to The Laundry, “I’m just gonna stay for one set and leave”, but I ended up staying all the way till the end. It’s my disease. I never leave a gig half way. I somehow always stay till the end. I don’t know why. It’s a good disease though.
It’s one of those adrenalin charged night. It was indeed.