Recording: Day Four
1 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Tuesday, April 19, 2005 at 1:16 AM.

This session started after a long working day. It was a good thing I wasn’t recording my parts. Today is Paul’s day.
I asked Paul Chuah, Qings & Kueens guitarist casually at one of the Starbucks gigs after he came back from
I once jammed “Scratch” with Qings & Kueens and performed it live with them at their single launch. When I heard Paul’s solo on Scratch, I knew I wanted him for the recording.
I am truly blessed to be able to work with Paul. He is talented in all areas including his unique and precise guitar playing, fantastic ear for tone, song writing, arrangement and producing.
Before we went in to record, Paul has already recorded his parts over the track I sent to him on Cakewalk, burnt it and we previewed it. Everything was just great.
We then proceeded to the recording. The clean electric guitar parts were the easiest to nail. Each part only took one take and it was done.
Then came the distortion parts where we had to spend a little more time tweaking for the right sound and tone. It could have been better with a tube amp but we’ll make the best out of what we have within our means. We then got all the distortion rhythm parts down and proceeded to finish up some fills.
It normally feels more tense and pressured when you know that the record button is blinking. Every part seems right before the Engineer hits the record button, but once it’s hit, the pressure comes again.
Then we proceeded to the solo. Paul had to do the solo a few times but we nailed it.
I then added a small clean guitar part for the bridge with Paul’s beautiful Talman Ibanez guitar. It sounded great, it looked good and felt right.
All in all, it was another productive session where ideas were flowing all over the place. We ended up with almost fifty tracks on the recorded for everything from drums, bass, guide tracks, acoustic guitars, electric guitars, fills, solo, etc.
The next session would either be vocals for “Scratch” or the rest of the guitar parts for the rest of the songs. Will keep you posted.
Until the next session….
Not sure if Paul reads this but the solo sounds great!
Scratch is coming together quite nicely.