Weekender Pt. II

Ever heard of this phrase, “Don’t let the guitar hit you in the face”?

Maybe not. This is because I just created it today.

This goes out to all the emo/screamo fans out there, I’m sure you’ve seen our dear guitar and bass heroes swinging their axes in music videos and at live gigs.

So what did I do this time? I tried copying them of course. And what were the results, ten half successful swings, a bruised nose, a bruised, cut shoulder and an injured headstock.

Two points to take note of.
1. Swing it hard. Don't hold anything back. Give it all you've got.
2. Don't be afraid if it comes around and hit you in the face. Catch it!

This is a smack in the face indeed.

They should have come up with a manual or something.

“How To Swing Your Guitar 101"

2 Responses to “Weekender Pt. II”

  1. # Blogger Julz

    why would you hurt yourself with the guitar?  

  2. # Blogger Kevin Broken Scar

    It wasn't intentional. If the swings were successful, it would have been all good. Like they all say, no pain, no gain!

    So it's practice, practice and practice.  

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    Who Is Broken Scar:

    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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