As Green As It Gets
1 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Saturday, October 16, 2004 at 10:58 PM.

These were taken at Kim's studio when JM went in for a final touch up session before the songs were ready to be mastered. I bet you know what they are.
Currently Listening To: Greenday American Idiot
It's strange how they sound so familiar and yet so fresh at the same time. In all honesty, close an eye to the French Billie Joe uses and they have excellent songs, as always.
They have been one of my biggest influences since the day I picked up the guitar. I started out playing Greenday and Nirvana songs. In fact, watching these guys made me want to play the guitar in the first place.
I admire their song writing, just like I did when this kid in his teens bought his very first Dookie.
They've come a long way. I mean, piano in the tracks?
Have a go at it.
Nice photographs.
It's been years since I last listened to Dookie. It's best that you not know what condition the album is in.