I did some back-line work at the Chris Tomlin / Louie Giglio Indescribable tour a few days ago and I managed to snap some behind the scenes photos, for you behind the scenes junkies out there. I just love all things behind the scenes!

There were two main sets of back-line. One for Chris Tomlin's band and another for Parachute Band. We did a sound check for Parachute Band first, although they were playing first on the night.
Usually, sound checks go backwards. Headline band first, followed by the opening band. This wasn't too much of a problem because there were separate input boxes for each band anyway and we were running digital desks where all the settings were easily saved and recalled later on.
After Parachute were done, it was Chris' turn to sound check followed by Henry Seeley who had his sweet amp rig as well.
The perks of working behind the scenes is that I got to meet Chris Tomlin himself! I never thought I'd get to meet him in the flesh. It was surreal! Dad, this one is for you!
How many DI's does a gig like this need? This is only a third of the DI's on stage. These were just for the keyboard player alone. Everything pretty much ran in stereo. There were a few more for acoustic guitars, click tracks, samplers and for Parachute's keyboard player.
Parachute Band's Drums.
It was a great night working with a good friend of mine whom I regard as a great audio mentor. Good times!
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
Labels: Behind The Scenes, Chris Tomlin, Henry Seeley, Parachute Band
In my recent trip back to Malaysia, I was craving durian big time and I looked for them everywhere, even the famous "eat all you can" ones in SS2. It just wasn't the season for them so I had to look for an alternative. In my search, I discovered a few new food innovations.

This durian pancake was one of them. I bought some at Mid Valley and they blew me away. I wanted to go back to get some more but I just couldn't bring myself to go to Mid Valley as the traffic jam there was insane. So I found some at two other dessert restaurants in SS2 instead and they weren't too bad. These pancakes even resemble the fruit itself. The filling was made out of durian and cream while the "skin" really felt like the real durian skin. Looks like it's true after all, that you can get durian all year round in Malaysia, just that it might be in a little bit of a different form.

At the same restaurant, I discovered fried avocados. YUM!

This is quite a typical pancake you'd get a Chinese weddings and restaurants.

This durian pancake was one of them. I bought some at Mid Valley and they blew me away. I wanted to go back to get some more but I just couldn't bring myself to go to Mid Valley as the traffic jam there was insane. So I found some at two other dessert restaurants in SS2 instead and they weren't too bad. These pancakes even resemble the fruit itself. The filling was made out of durian and cream while the "skin" really felt like the real durian skin. Looks like it's true after all, that you can get durian all year round in Malaysia, just that it might be in a little bit of a different form.
At the same restaurant, I discovered fried avocados. YUM!
This is quite a typical pancake you'd get a Chinese weddings and restaurants.
I think this dessert has been around for ages. It's just that I hardly ever had it until now. There were little mochi-like balls in it as well that had really cool fillings in them.
Looking back at these pictures, I'm not surprised why Westerners think we eat weird things. They do look pretty disgusting actually but they taste so amazing! Never judge a book by it's cover.
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
Looking back at these pictures, I'm not surprised why Westerners think we eat weird things. They do look pretty disgusting actually but they taste so amazing! Never judge a book by it's cover.
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
First 2011 Broken Scar Show
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 11:59 AM.

Broken Scar w/ Rhymada, Glass Empire, Gravity Gun
Saturday. 22nd January 2011. 830pm. $8 Pre-sale Tickets
The Evelyn Hotel. 351 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy.
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
Labels: Broken Scar Gigs
I have to back track a little bit. There's been a backlog of events that happened at the end of 2010 that I haven't had the chance to blog about yet, simply because I was too busy, ermm, being in those events that took place.
Anyway, on my flight back from KL to Melbourne, I heard an announcement over the in-flight PA asking if there were any medical personnel on board. Seconds later, the flight crew came down the isles with their flashlights calling out, "any medical doctors on board?". It felt like the movies! Oh the suspense.
After a while, there was no news of this so we thought a doctor would have treated whoever that was unwell and everything had gone back to normal. A few hours later, I felt the plane beginning to descend. Then another announcement over the PA came on. "Due to a medical emergency, we will be landing in Alice Springs in 30 minutes".
It was amazing though. As we were approaching the landing strip, I could see a few ambulances, emergency vehicles and a large team of personnel already standing by on the tarmac. That's what I call being efficient. The crew came on board, wheeled the lady out through the isles on a specially made wheel chair that was narrow enough to wheel through the narrow airplane isles. Everything happened really fast but due to aviation protocols, we were on the ground for about an hour plus before we could take off and head back to Melbourne. Oh, the drama.
The usual 8 hour plane ride had taken over 12 hours this time round but I guess there's always an up side to everything. I got an aerial view of Alice Springs.

Anyway, on my flight back from KL to Melbourne, I heard an announcement over the in-flight PA asking if there were any medical personnel on board. Seconds later, the flight crew came down the isles with their flashlights calling out, "any medical doctors on board?". It felt like the movies! Oh the suspense.
After a while, there was no news of this so we thought a doctor would have treated whoever that was unwell and everything had gone back to normal. A few hours later, I felt the plane beginning to descend. Then another announcement over the PA came on. "Due to a medical emergency, we will be landing in Alice Springs in 30 minutes".
It was amazing though. As we were approaching the landing strip, I could see a few ambulances, emergency vehicles and a large team of personnel already standing by on the tarmac. That's what I call being efficient. The crew came on board, wheeled the lady out through the isles on a specially made wheel chair that was narrow enough to wheel through the narrow airplane isles. Everything happened really fast but due to aviation protocols, we were on the ground for about an hour plus before we could take off and head back to Melbourne. Oh, the drama.
The usual 8 hour plane ride had taken over 12 hours this time round but I guess there's always an up side to everything. I got an aerial view of Alice Springs.
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
Labels: Alice Springs
Looking back at all these Lego posts, I feel like I'm going a little nuts! It's just one of those things, you know, when you get time to kick back and unwind, somehow all these memories just come flooding back. I can't help but to feel nostalgic. I suppose I went a bit too far as most people will just think about it and move right along but I, on the other hand have gone to somewhat relive those times.
I just watched Toy Story 3 on DVD today. Now, for all of you who have watched it, what's the moral of the story? Never throw your toys away! I wish I had kept all my toys.
I really wonder why other people collect stuff, or toys in particular. Are people out there just like me, collecting for nostalgic reasons? I don't know, all I know is this makes me happy.
______________________________________________________I just watched Toy Story 3 on DVD today. Now, for all of you who have watched it, what's the moral of the story? Never throw your toys away! I wish I had kept all my toys.
I really wonder why other people collect stuff, or toys in particular. Are people out there just like me, collecting for nostalgic reasons? I don't know, all I know is this makes me happy.
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
The pirates weren't the only part of my Lego childhood, the knights were too! Here's more to add to my Lego collecting frenzy!

I had a bit of a dilemma when I started collecting again. Do I keep them unopened or do I play with them?

I had a bit of a dilemma when I started collecting again. Do I keep them unopened or do I play with them?
Well, it looks like I gave in. Somehow the collector in me just won't stop. I feel like building an entire army of Lego now.
Check this out. I took these at the Lego exhibition in Bangsar Village.

Talk about building an army! This is mad! My question is, how much did these guys spend to build this?

The army led by the king.

All the king's horses and all the king's men.


...and as if the knights weren't enough to get me going...

The Imperial Flagship next to Brickbeard's Bounty

Some old skool ships!

I think this is really creative. They even made these minifigs swim in the water. Nice!

It's funny how there isn't that many Pirates sets here in Oz. Either that or they're all sold out. Oh well, there's always the 2011 series. Roar!
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
Check this out. I took these at the Lego exhibition in Bangsar Village.
Talk about building an army! This is mad! My question is, how much did these guys spend to build this?
The army led by the king.
All the king's horses and all the king's men.
...and as if the knights weren't enough to get me going...
The Imperial Flagship next to Brickbeard's Bounty
Some old skool ships!
I think this is really creative. They even made these minifigs swim in the water. Nice!
It's funny how there isn't that many Pirates sets here in Oz. Either that or they're all sold out. Oh well, there's always the 2011 series. Roar!
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
The Imperial Flagship: Part Two
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Wednesday, January 05, 2011 at 1:17 PM.

Warning: Photo heavy post.

The scene's all set. After putting it all together, I realised that I placed the cannons on the wrong side of the ship. Oh well, too lazy to redo everything now.

Arrr! The treasure must be on the ship. Attack!

Oh no you don't!

You be a-showin us where the treasure is be kept!

I'll shoot you down from there!

Shiver me timbers! I got the map. Let's be goin!

Arr! Me be a-killin ye when me boys come get me!

Yeah, I know, funny hair. This felt exactly like when I was a kid. The first thing I'd do when I wake up was, Lego! No care in the world but getting myself enveloped into the pirate world. That was exactly what I did when I put together the Imperial Flagship. The ship is huge! It was almost as tall as my heater. Proud to be an owner of the ship. Stoked!
P/S: I forgot to mention that the Imperial Flagship only came with 9 minifigs. The rest of them were old ones from my childhood. I've lost all the instruction manuals for the sets so the only ones standing are the minifigs. Everything else is in pieces, stashed away in a huge box. Ah, the good ol' days.
The scene's all set. After putting it all together, I realised that I placed the cannons on the wrong side of the ship. Oh well, too lazy to redo everything now.
Arrr! The treasure must be on the ship. Attack!
Oh no you don't!
You be a-showin us where the treasure is be kept!
I'll shoot you down from there!
Shiver me timbers! I got the map. Let's be goin!
Arr! Me be a-killin ye when me boys come get me!
Yeah, I know, funny hair. This felt exactly like when I was a kid. The first thing I'd do when I wake up was, Lego! No care in the world but getting myself enveloped into the pirate world. That was exactly what I did when I put together the Imperial Flagship. The ship is huge! It was almost as tall as my heater. Proud to be an owner of the ship. Stoked!
P/S: I forgot to mention that the Imperial Flagship only came with 9 minifigs. The rest of them were old ones from my childhood. I've lost all the instruction manuals for the sets so the only ones standing are the minifigs. Everything else is in pieces, stashed away in a huge box. Ah, the good ol' days.
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
All Broken Scar's music is available on www.reverbnation.com/brokenscar
Labels: Imperial Flagship, Lego