The Imperial Flagship: Part Two

Warning: Photo heavy post.

The scene's all set. After putting it all together, I realised that I placed the cannons on the wrong side of the ship. Oh well, too lazy to redo everything now.

Arrr! The treasure must be on the ship. Attack!

Oh no you don't!

You be a-showin us where the treasure is be kept!

I'll shoot you down from there!

Shiver me timbers! I got the map. Let's be goin!

Arr! Me be a-killin ye when me boys come get me!

Yeah, I know, funny hair. This felt exactly like when I was a kid. The first thing I'd do when I wake up was, Lego! No care in the world but getting myself enveloped into the pirate world. That was exactly what I did when I put together the Imperial Flagship. The ship is huge! It was almost as tall as my heater. Proud to be an owner of the ship. Stoked!

P/S: I forgot to mention that the Imperial Flagship only came with 9 minifigs. The rest of them were old ones from my childhood. I've lost all the instruction manuals for the sets so the only ones standing are the minifigs. Everything else is in pieces, stashed away in a huge box. Ah, the good ol' days.
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    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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