Lick My Pick #3

This lick is taken from the solo for
the live version of Scratch, when I play the electric guitar with the band. It uses a combination of slides and some string skipping without the huge stretches like Richard's licks, which I am still working on by the way. This lick is one of those in my vocabulary that I regularly pull out as it had a sense of direction, like it is going somewhere and the string skips just makes the phrasing a bit more space than if you were to play the same set of notes otherwise.

In the video: I played this on my Fender Strat on the neck pickup through my Orange practice amp.


This is how I picked the notes. On the 3rd string, slide from 11 to 13 with an up stroke. Then pick every note on the 2nd and 1st strings with a down stroke. The 13th fret on the 3rd string is always picked with an up stroke. Lastly, slide from 14 to 16 on the 1st string.

Somehow picking all the notes on the 3rd string with an up stroke feels natural to me. When my picking hand comes upwards, I'd hit the note with an up stroke and when my picking hand goes downwards, I'd hit those notes on the 2nd and 1st strings with a down stroke. I don't know if this is a "lazy" way of doing it, but it seems to work for me. Please, feel free to drop me suggestions or share your ideas with me on how you would execute a lick like this. There's no end to learning.

Hope you like this lick. Enjoy!

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3 Responses to “Lick My Pick #3”

  1. # Blogger iamamonkeysoareyou


    keep them coming. I will have to start learning all your licks at some point.  

  2. # Anonymous bobby prayogo

    cool lick! i also like to pick that way, it's called directional picking, when we pick the same direction with the string changes  

  3. # Blogger Kevin Broken Scar

    monkeyboy: take your time dude. you don't have to learn em. haha. you've got some killer runs yourself man.

    bobby: awesome! that's right, directional picking. I knew there was a proper term for it. glad i know it's not just me being "economical" with picking. haha.  

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    Who Is Broken Scar:

    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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