Broken Scar Final Shows
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 10:50 PM.

Here are a few Broken Scar shows before I leave for Melbourne. So you know what to do. See you at the shows!
Note: All of the shows below are all full band shows. So come on out, let your hair down and rock out!!
1. Broken Scar Merdeka Eve Show
Hey, guess what, Broken Scar, the full band has
been billed for a Merdeka Eve show. Here are the
Venue: Hartamas Square
Date: 30 August 2006, Wednesday
Time: 8pm onwards
Some come celebrate Merdeka Day with us.
2. Broken Scar Live @ Melaka
Venue: Mobile Stage. Mahkota Parade Melaka.
Time: 4pm
Date: 02 September 2006, Saturday
This is in conjuction with the HITZ.FM HYPEZ THE NATION WITH JJ & RUDY nationwide tour. So Melaka, we'll be catching you real soon!
3. Broken Scar Farewell Show
Venue: KL Jam Asia
Time: 9pm
Date: 07 September 2006, Thursday
Broken Scar's last show before Kevin leaves for Melbourne. The Sofa Sessions and Qings & Kueens will be a part of this show as well.
Note: All of the shows below are all full band shows. So come on out, let your hair down and rock out!!
1. Broken Scar Merdeka Eve Show
Hey, guess what, Broken Scar, the full band has
been billed for a Merdeka Eve show. Here are the
Venue: Hartamas Square
Date: 30 August 2006, Wednesday
Time: 8pm onwards
Some come celebrate Merdeka Day with us.
2. Broken Scar Live @ Melaka
Venue: Mobile Stage. Mahkota Parade Melaka.
Time: 4pm
Date: 02 September 2006, Saturday
This is in conjuction with the HITZ.FM HYPEZ THE NATION WITH JJ & RUDY nationwide tour. So Melaka, we'll be catching you real soon!
3. Broken Scar Farewell Show
Venue: KL Jam Asia
Time: 9pm
Date: 07 September 2006, Thursday
Broken Scar's last show before Kevin leaves for Melbourne. The Sofa Sessions and Qings & Kueens will be a part of this show as well.
Something Is Wrong!
7 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Wednesday, August 23, 2006 at 9:38 PM.

Update: The video that was captured at the incident is now out on youtube. Watch it, then you decide.
Click on the link below. The site below also has the latest updates ofthis issue. Keep a look out.
Something's really wrong and I am disgusted by it. Read on my dear readers (if there are any) and you will see what I mean.
Another Paul's Place Incident
Text taken from Alda's blog.
From Paul Millott, owner, Solar Power Training Centre, 8, Resource Industrial Centre. Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur
The following incident occurred OUTSIDE in the car park, not inside any premises
Natasha (witness):
I was walking towards the restaurant next to Rajoo Flour Mill. Just as I saw Paul at the restaurant and went over to join him, I heard gunfire. The first two or three shots were from the opposite side of the car park, but at first I could not see the gunman.
Suddenly a crazed gunman in jeans and black T shirt appeared, running towards Paul and fired shots into the air. He did not identify himself or give any reason why he was firing his gun. He then pointed the gun at Paul and shouted "You get over there", indicating with the gun the direction he wanted him to go. He had just fired two shots about ten feet from the people seated in the restaurant They promptly ran, terrified, knocking over tables and chairs. People in the car park also ran but the gunman turned around and ordered them to come back. At this point Paul ran back to the entrance to his cafe, which was empty but one half of the two shutters was still half open. I saw two or three people rushing out of the cafe and the glass door was shattered in the panic. This was plate glass and will cost something like RM2,000 to replace. The staff had been cleaning up when the shots were fired in the car park and had fled.
Paul pulled down the shutter but by then the gunman was behind him and at once lifted the shutter back up again. I walked over to see what was going on. Paul told the gunman he could not go in because the premises were closed. He then informed Paul he was a police officer. Paul asked him for his ID and he pulled out his wallet and flashed it in the air very fast. I could not see any ID. Paul obviously didn't see it either. Paul asked again to see the ID but the gunman told him that was all he would be allowed to see. Paul stood his ground in the doorway and told the gunman he could not enter. The gunman banged his body up against Paul and shouted “are you pushing me?”. Paul said “I am not pushing you”. The gunman then tried again to knock Paul out of the way. He told Paul that this was Malaysia and the police could do what they liked. Paul asked whether he had a warrant and he replied he did not need one. Then he and another officer in plain clothes forced Paul's hands behind his back and handcuffed him. They gave no reason why they wanted to go into the cafe, or why they put the hand cuffs on Paul.
The gunman, who had pointed a loaded gun at my head a few minutes earlier and his friend, then handcuffed me without giving any reason, as I stood in the doorway to the cafe. Then a man from DBKL appeared and asked for the license. As he did so the police pushed past me and against my will and by force entered my premises,. At this time the premises were empty and closed to the public. No one was inside, except the officers who had forced their way in, and me in handcuffs. The DBKL officer came in and checked the business license and then asked whether I had an entertainment license for the place. I told him that his officers had informed me I did not need an overall entertainment license for a training workshop and had returned my application. I also told him that I had applied for a permit to hold the private function on that day, which was the entertainment license. He denied that I had applied for this licence but I saw the application in his file and pointed it out to him. He told me it was applied for six weeks ago but their officers had been round many many times to the premises but always found it closed, so they had not been able to inspect it, and therefore to issue a license. He told me that I MUST have an Entertainment License to allow the Public to use the premises. I reminded him that the place was a workshop training centre and NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. It is only used only for private bookings. I pointed out to him that he had confirmed the place was not open to the public, on their many visits to the premises, as they had found it closed to the public, on each and every visit.
The DBKL man told me I must go to his office on Monday. After that I asked the police to remove the handcuffs. They did so, and allowed me to go. By this time I was fully convinced the “crazed gunman” was in fact a police officer, so I apologised politely to him to for not allowing him to enter the premises. I Then went home.
I have just got back from DBKL.(21.8.06). The officer told me that the police had interviewed him and told him I had made a police report against him. I told him I only made the report about the police officer firing a gun. The DBKL officer claimed he had arrived as the police were forcing their way in and did not hear any gunshots. He told the police I would not let him in, but in fact he was standing behind the police officer and so was physically unable to enter the premises. I did not want any of them to enter because I know, from the experience of the party held on new Years Eve last year, that they would seize all the equipment brought in by the guests. The equipment seized on New Year's Eve has still not been returned in spite of a Court order issued on 31.7.06 stipulating that it should all be returned to the rightful owners by early September. The police claim that they have still not received the order from the magistrates' court.
Paul Millott, 21.8.06
Additional Information: One of the people in the square had a video camera. He got a clear picture of the police officer walking across the car park with his gun in his hand. There were no threats or disturbance visible. Also on the video is a clear picture of the police officer pointing his pistol at some people sitting in their car waiting to drive home and making them get out so he could arrest them. They did nothing to warrant arrest or to threaten the officer.
The police officers are from Brickfields Police Station.
24 youths are still in the lock up for being found walking across the car park. They will not be let out until next week.
Newspapers are claiming the police opened fire because members of the public had weapons. This is not substantiated and I had no weapons when the police pointed a gun at me.
Click on the link below. The site below also has the latest updates ofthis issue. Keep a look out.
Something's really wrong and I am disgusted by it. Read on my dear readers (if there are any) and you will see what I mean.
Another Paul's Place Incident
Text taken from Alda's blog.
From Paul Millott, owner, Solar Power Training Centre, 8, Resource Industrial Centre. Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur
The following incident occurred OUTSIDE in the car park, not inside any premises
Natasha (witness):
I was walking towards the restaurant next to Rajoo Flour Mill. Just as I saw Paul at the restaurant and went over to join him, I heard gunfire. The first two or three shots were from the opposite side of the car park, but at first I could not see the gunman.
Suddenly a crazed gunman in jeans and black T shirt appeared, running towards Paul and fired shots into the air. He did not identify himself or give any reason why he was firing his gun. He then pointed the gun at Paul and shouted "You get over there", indicating with the gun the direction he wanted him to go. He had just fired two shots about ten feet from the people seated in the restaurant They promptly ran, terrified, knocking over tables and chairs. People in the car park also ran but the gunman turned around and ordered them to come back. At this point Paul ran back to the entrance to his cafe, which was empty but one half of the two shutters was still half open. I saw two or three people rushing out of the cafe and the glass door was shattered in the panic. This was plate glass and will cost something like RM2,000 to replace. The staff had been cleaning up when the shots were fired in the car park and had fled.
Paul pulled down the shutter but by then the gunman was behind him and at once lifted the shutter back up again. I walked over to see what was going on. Paul told the gunman he could not go in because the premises were closed. He then informed Paul he was a police officer. Paul asked him for his ID and he pulled out his wallet and flashed it in the air very fast. I could not see any ID. Paul obviously didn't see it either. Paul asked again to see the ID but the gunman told him that was all he would be allowed to see. Paul stood his ground in the doorway and told the gunman he could not enter. The gunman banged his body up against Paul and shouted “are you pushing me?”. Paul said “I am not pushing you”. The gunman then tried again to knock Paul out of the way. He told Paul that this was Malaysia and the police could do what they liked. Paul asked whether he had a warrant and he replied he did not need one. Then he and another officer in plain clothes forced Paul's hands behind his back and handcuffed him. They gave no reason why they wanted to go into the cafe, or why they put the hand cuffs on Paul.
The gunman, who had pointed a loaded gun at my head a few minutes earlier and his friend, then handcuffed me without giving any reason, as I stood in the doorway to the cafe. Then a man from DBKL appeared and asked for the license. As he did so the police pushed past me and against my will and by force entered my premises,. At this time the premises were empty and closed to the public. No one was inside, except the officers who had forced their way in, and me in handcuffs. The DBKL officer came in and checked the business license and then asked whether I had an entertainment license for the place. I told him that his officers had informed me I did not need an overall entertainment license for a training workshop and had returned my application. I also told him that I had applied for a permit to hold the private function on that day, which was the entertainment license. He denied that I had applied for this licence but I saw the application in his file and pointed it out to him. He told me it was applied for six weeks ago but their officers had been round many many times to the premises but always found it closed, so they had not been able to inspect it, and therefore to issue a license. He told me that I MUST have an Entertainment License to allow the Public to use the premises. I reminded him that the place was a workshop training centre and NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. It is only used only for private bookings. I pointed out to him that he had confirmed the place was not open to the public, on their many visits to the premises, as they had found it closed to the public, on each and every visit.
The DBKL man told me I must go to his office on Monday. After that I asked the police to remove the handcuffs. They did so, and allowed me to go. By this time I was fully convinced the “crazed gunman” was in fact a police officer, so I apologised politely to him to for not allowing him to enter the premises. I Then went home.
I have just got back from DBKL.(21.8.06). The officer told me that the police had interviewed him and told him I had made a police report against him. I told him I only made the report about the police officer firing a gun. The DBKL officer claimed he had arrived as the police were forcing their way in and did not hear any gunshots. He told the police I would not let him in, but in fact he was standing behind the police officer and so was physically unable to enter the premises. I did not want any of them to enter because I know, from the experience of the party held on new Years Eve last year, that they would seize all the equipment brought in by the guests. The equipment seized on New Year's Eve has still not been returned in spite of a Court order issued on 31.7.06 stipulating that it should all be returned to the rightful owners by early September. The police claim that they have still not received the order from the magistrates' court.
Paul Millott, 21.8.06
Additional Information: One of the people in the square had a video camera. He got a clear picture of the police officer walking across the car park with his gun in his hand. There were no threats or disturbance visible. Also on the video is a clear picture of the police officer pointing his pistol at some people sitting in their car waiting to drive home and making them get out so he could arrest them. They did nothing to warrant arrest or to threaten the officer.
The police officers are from Brickfields Police Station.
24 youths are still in the lock up for being found walking across the car park. They will not be let out until next week.
Newspapers are claiming the police opened fire because members of the public had weapons. This is not substantiated and I had no weapons when the police pointed a gun at me.
We’re back from Singapore! Here I am sitting in front of my computer, watching the videos we took and recalling the trip. I’ll attempt to blog about it but I wish you were there though!
So we started off the journey when we met at the First Coach office early in the morning on Monday. I was there by 730am when our bus only leaves at 930am. Thank God there was a mamak stall just around the corner and that was my little hang out while I wait for the rest to arrive. Paul arrived soon after, followed by Alex then Debbie and Alda.
The bus was very spacious and comfortable. The seats were even bigger than those on a plane’s economy class. To summarize the long 5-hours bus ride from KL to Singapore, Alda and Debs slept, Paul tried to sleep, and Alex and I wished ourselves good luck to sleeping and bid it farewell as we talked about everything under the sky throughout the whole journey! This means that your dear singer here did not get any sleep at all.

On the bus from KL to Singapore
Fast forward. After one stop somewhere in Johor, we reached the checkpoint in JB, crossed the second link highway over the sea to Singapore, and arrived at the Singapore Immigration and Customs. Hopped back on the bus and headed to the First Coach office at Novena Square.
So now we’re on Singapore ground. Hailed two cabs and headed to The Strand, our comfy hotel of residence for our little trip.
Fast forward again. We headed to our rooms, unpacked, washed up, attempted to catch a little shut eye, got ready and left for sound check. We paid for a room for three, which was supposed to have 3 beds but there was only two beds when we arrived. So Alex picked up the phone and requested for the third bed. This was 3pm.

The hotel we stayed the night in

Bencoolen St. is where The Strand was

I thought that the logo was cool
Bar None is located in the basement of The Marriott Hotel. The hotel is an architectural genius. As for Bar None, the feel as we walked in was like going to a very sleek club, say Zouk? But when we got to the stage area, it felt like Hard Rock Café / Planet Hollywood. We started to sound check assisted by their in-house sound engineer Mr. Gib. Sound check was pretty intense as it was a brand new venue and we slowly got the feel of the room and the general sound on stage.
After sound check we just hung out to watch the two other Singaporean bands sound check. Boy was this a mixed genre gig.
We headed to the Asian food court nearby to grab some grub and headed back to Bar None. Orchard Road on a Monday night was a vibrant as a Saturday night in KL.
So here is what we did while we waited for our turn to hit the stage. We took pictures! Teehee!

Look ma! We're on the poster

From L-R: Paul (hmm?), Alda(Woi! I'm warning you!), Alex(Really?Cool!), Kevin(What? I can't believe it!)


Holding the bull by the horns

Meet our good friend Imran of Zero Sequence
Fast forward. The show went well and we all had a great time. This is the first show ever that I’ve played where I was the most tired! No rest, very little sleep! I was almost running on a low-batt, empty tank surviving on reserves before the show but once we hit the stage, that reserve tank really served me well.
At the end of the set, I was drained but it was all good. The guys from the other bands invited us for a mamak session, Singaporean style! Thanks guys for such awesome hospitality.
We made good friends and memories engraved in my mind.
We finally got back to the hotel room at about 3 plus in the morning and there was still no third bed in sight in our room. I picked up the phone and went, “dude, we requested for our bed since 3pm and it is 3am now and we still don’t have the third bed”. When you’re out all day, all you want to come back to is a nice cozy bed. Soon after, the bed arrived. Naturally, we talked some more, watched the video we took earlier and slowly slept.
For some strange reason, I was up by 8 on Tuesday morning. Lazed around in bed till we had to get up to check out. We got up, washed up, packed up, got ready and checked out by 12pm. We put all our gear in the storage area in the hotel and headed out shopping, Singaporean style!
We walked along the whole of Orchard Road and had a great time. After lunch, Imran of Zero Sequence joined us and hung out all day. So we did the compulsory things one should do in Singapore. A visit to Swee Lee and two other music shops lead me to spending impulsively. HMV, a perfume store, and a million and one shops later, we were back at our hotel at 5pm to get our stuff and headed back to Novena Square to grab a quick dinner and catch our bus back to KL.
Again, Alex and I talked more but this time we managed to sleep a good half of the journey away. When we got up, no prizes for guessing, we talked again, with Paul and Alda in the loop now. Man, we’re such chatterboxes.
All in all, it was an excellent trip and adventure. Love it to bits.
NOTE: Zero Sequence and FatSkunks are super awesome extraodinary bands! RESPECT!!!
So we started off the journey when we met at the First Coach office early in the morning on Monday. I was there by 730am when our bus only leaves at 930am. Thank God there was a mamak stall just around the corner and that was my little hang out while I wait for the rest to arrive. Paul arrived soon after, followed by Alex then Debbie and Alda.
The bus was very spacious and comfortable. The seats were even bigger than those on a plane’s economy class. To summarize the long 5-hours bus ride from KL to Singapore, Alda and Debs slept, Paul tried to sleep, and Alex and I wished ourselves good luck to sleeping and bid it farewell as we talked about everything under the sky throughout the whole journey! This means that your dear singer here did not get any sleep at all.

On the bus from KL to Singapore
Fast forward. After one stop somewhere in Johor, we reached the checkpoint in JB, crossed the second link highway over the sea to Singapore, and arrived at the Singapore Immigration and Customs. Hopped back on the bus and headed to the First Coach office at Novena Square.
So now we’re on Singapore ground. Hailed two cabs and headed to The Strand, our comfy hotel of residence for our little trip.
Fast forward again. We headed to our rooms, unpacked, washed up, attempted to catch a little shut eye, got ready and left for sound check. We paid for a room for three, which was supposed to have 3 beds but there was only two beds when we arrived. So Alex picked up the phone and requested for the third bed. This was 3pm.

The hotel we stayed the night in

Bencoolen St. is where The Strand was

I thought that the logo was cool
Bar None is located in the basement of The Marriott Hotel. The hotel is an architectural genius. As for Bar None, the feel as we walked in was like going to a very sleek club, say Zouk? But when we got to the stage area, it felt like Hard Rock Café / Planet Hollywood. We started to sound check assisted by their in-house sound engineer Mr. Gib. Sound check was pretty intense as it was a brand new venue and we slowly got the feel of the room and the general sound on stage.
After sound check we just hung out to watch the two other Singaporean bands sound check. Boy was this a mixed genre gig.
We headed to the Asian food court nearby to grab some grub and headed back to Bar None. Orchard Road on a Monday night was a vibrant as a Saturday night in KL.
So here is what we did while we waited for our turn to hit the stage. We took pictures! Teehee!

Look ma! We're on the poster

From L-R: Paul (hmm?), Alda(Woi! I'm warning you!), Alex(Really?Cool!), Kevin(What? I can't believe it!)


Holding the bull by the horns

Meet our good friend Imran of Zero Sequence
Fast forward. The show went well and we all had a great time. This is the first show ever that I’ve played where I was the most tired! No rest, very little sleep! I was almost running on a low-batt, empty tank surviving on reserves before the show but once we hit the stage, that reserve tank really served me well.
At the end of the set, I was drained but it was all good. The guys from the other bands invited us for a mamak session, Singaporean style! Thanks guys for such awesome hospitality.
We made good friends and memories engraved in my mind.
We finally got back to the hotel room at about 3 plus in the morning and there was still no third bed in sight in our room. I picked up the phone and went, “dude, we requested for our bed since 3pm and it is 3am now and we still don’t have the third bed”. When you’re out all day, all you want to come back to is a nice cozy bed. Soon after, the bed arrived. Naturally, we talked some more, watched the video we took earlier and slowly slept.
For some strange reason, I was up by 8 on Tuesday morning. Lazed around in bed till we had to get up to check out. We got up, washed up, packed up, got ready and checked out by 12pm. We put all our gear in the storage area in the hotel and headed out shopping, Singaporean style!
We walked along the whole of Orchard Road and had a great time. After lunch, Imran of Zero Sequence joined us and hung out all day. So we did the compulsory things one should do in Singapore. A visit to Swee Lee and two other music shops lead me to spending impulsively. HMV, a perfume store, and a million and one shops later, we were back at our hotel at 5pm to get our stuff and headed back to Novena Square to grab a quick dinner and catch our bus back to KL.
Again, Alex and I talked more but this time we managed to sleep a good half of the journey away. When we got up, no prizes for guessing, we talked again, with Paul and Alda in the loop now. Man, we’re such chatterboxes.
All in all, it was an excellent trip and adventure. Love it to bits.
NOTE: Zero Sequence and FatSkunks are super awesome extraodinary bands! RESPECT!!!
All packed, all set for Singapore. Broken Scar is headed to Singapore as a full band which includes Paul on lead guitar, Alda on bass and Alex on drums.
Will be posting the gig report and pictures of the trip when I return.
Please keep us in your prayers as we make this journey. SINGAPORE HERE WE COME!
Will be posting the gig report and pictures of the trip when I return.
Please keep us in your prayers as we make this journey. SINGAPORE HERE WE COME!

Click on flyer for enlarged view and details
Yes, that is right. Broken Scar is heading to Singapore for a one night only performance. Details below.
Date: 21 August 2006. Monday
Venue: Bar None
Basement of Marriott Hotel,
320, Orchard Road,
Singapore, 238865
There is NO COVER CHARGE. for more details.

Emo Kev @ Fasta Pasta

Brought out Emily as promised
Let's just say that this show is one that really touched my heart. Thanks to all my friends and everyone else who made it to the show. Thank you Fasta Pasta for hosting Broken Scar.
I felt kinda naked playing on my own after playing with the band so often and practicing with them for Singapore and Melaka. I just love the sound of the band. But it was all good tho. Played a whole bunch of covers, a few new songs, and tracks from the album which I hardly get to do. 20 songs in total. It was challenging and tiring, but very worth it.
The hanging out bit with the audience was the best part. If only I could spend more time with each and everyone of them.
Once again, cheers to those who came! You made it all worth it and put meaning into my music. Thank you.
Okay, here's another super late post. There's a story by the lovely Debbie Chan on Broken Scar in today's (Thursday, 17 August 2006) Star Newspapers.
For those of you who have missed it, here's the online version.
Click Here For Article
A calling to make music
Photo by T.K. LIM
AMP Live Events engineer Kevin Teh has the best of both worlds - he is involved with the engineering of sound backstage and the music performance on stage.
Better known as BrokenScar among his peers, 23-year-old Teh is one of the many talented singer-songwriters who have made their mark in the local independent music scene. Having studied audio engineering and currently specialising in sound broadcasting, Teh holds the advantage of being able to make himself sound his best on stage.
“I walk into a venue where I am supposed to play and I can see things from both the engineer's and the musician’s perspective. It really makes things much easier when it comes to determining the quality and level of sound that I want,” Teh explained,
Teh speaking passionately about his music, compositions and God.
Having played music for the past 10 years, Teh confessed that he had initially wanted to be an architect when he was in school.
“Playing music was a childish dream that I had – you know, the sort of thing that people always imagine but never think it could be true? I wanted to be a fragment of who the Goo Goo Dolls and John Mayer were, and I still cannot believe that I am actually doing it now!”
With his album Midnight in St Kilda recently released, Teh attributes it to God that music is something he is destined to pursue.
“It’s a calling from God. It’s something I’m set up to do. Someone once told me that I was not meant to stay within bounds and I should always be pushing my limits, and going into the independent music scene has helped me grow in that aspect.”
The independent music circle spells struggle and hard work, as they do not have the privilege of labels and recording companies to help them.
“The obstacles that I have experienced have really reinforced my beliefs and values and got me thinking as well as re-evaluating certain things in my life,” he said.
“The hardest struggle was to get myself out there and shout so that people would know who I am.”
Teh strumming some slow tunes as he relaxes with a cup of coffee.
Teh’s family has also played a big part in shaping his strong-willed character.
“My family show me support by not supporting me. They didn’t spoon-feed me; rather, they made me find my own path independently. And now that I have come this far, I know they are very proud of me,” Teh beamed.
Teh has also expanded his musical options of playing in a band or flying solo.
“I got a bunch of musicians together to help back me up for shows that require a full-fledged set-up and I play solo for more intimate acoustic settings. This is a great flexibility because I can play different venues and themes.”
Convinced that it is now time to further develop his capabilities, Teh is heading to Melbourne to continue pursuing his audio engineering qualification.
“I intend to start gigging and playing in Melbourne. I just want to ride on the wind and see where it takes me. Opportunities like this don’t come every day.”
“I can’t really tell where I will be in the next 10 years or so but I know I will still be playing or involved in music,”
Teh’s dream is to be able to record as many artistes as he can – all of them if possible.
“There are many artistes in Malaysia who are really talented but just don’t have the avenue or financial capability to record themselves. I dream of the day when I can just record everyone and put their music down in history,”
BrokenScar will be playing at Fasta Pasta in Ikano Power Centre at 8pm tomorrow, and at Bar None in Singapore on Aug 21.
For those of you who have missed it, here's the online version.
Click Here For Article
A calling to make music
Photo by T.K. LIM
AMP Live Events engineer Kevin Teh has the best of both worlds - he is involved with the engineering of sound backstage and the music performance on stage.
Better known as BrokenScar among his peers, 23-year-old Teh is one of the many talented singer-songwriters who have made their mark in the local independent music scene. Having studied audio engineering and currently specialising in sound broadcasting, Teh holds the advantage of being able to make himself sound his best on stage.
“I walk into a venue where I am supposed to play and I can see things from both the engineer's and the musician’s perspective. It really makes things much easier when it comes to determining the quality and level of sound that I want,” Teh explained,
Teh speaking passionately about his music, compositions and God.
Having played music for the past 10 years, Teh confessed that he had initially wanted to be an architect when he was in school.
“Playing music was a childish dream that I had – you know, the sort of thing that people always imagine but never think it could be true? I wanted to be a fragment of who the Goo Goo Dolls and John Mayer were, and I still cannot believe that I am actually doing it now!”
With his album Midnight in St Kilda recently released, Teh attributes it to God that music is something he is destined to pursue.
“It’s a calling from God. It’s something I’m set up to do. Someone once told me that I was not meant to stay within bounds and I should always be pushing my limits, and going into the independent music scene has helped me grow in that aspect.”
The independent music circle spells struggle and hard work, as they do not have the privilege of labels and recording companies to help them.
“The obstacles that I have experienced have really reinforced my beliefs and values and got me thinking as well as re-evaluating certain things in my life,” he said.
“The hardest struggle was to get myself out there and shout so that people would know who I am.”
Teh strumming some slow tunes as he relaxes with a cup of coffee.
Teh’s family has also played a big part in shaping his strong-willed character.
“My family show me support by not supporting me. They didn’t spoon-feed me; rather, they made me find my own path independently. And now that I have come this far, I know they are very proud of me,” Teh beamed.
Teh has also expanded his musical options of playing in a band or flying solo.
“I got a bunch of musicians together to help back me up for shows that require a full-fledged set-up and I play solo for more intimate acoustic settings. This is a great flexibility because I can play different venues and themes.”
Convinced that it is now time to further develop his capabilities, Teh is heading to Melbourne to continue pursuing his audio engineering qualification.
“I intend to start gigging and playing in Melbourne. I just want to ride on the wind and see where it takes me. Opportunities like this don’t come every day.”
“I can’t really tell where I will be in the next 10 years or so but I know I will still be playing or involved in music,”
Teh’s dream is to be able to record as many artistes as he can – all of them if possible.
“There are many artistes in Malaysia who are really talented but just don’t have the avenue or financial capability to record themselves. I dream of the day when I can just record everyone and put their music down in history,”
BrokenScar will be playing at Fasta Pasta in Ikano Power Centre at 8pm tomorrow, and at Bar None in Singapore on Aug 21.
Broken Scar Live @ Fasta Pasta
4 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at 12:11 PM.

Fasta Pasta Friday Night Session
Venue: Fasta Pasta. Ikano Power Centre. (Opposite Starbucks)
Date: 18 August 2006. Friday
Time: 8pm
Broken Scar will be performing two 45 min sets filled with some covers, songs from the album and a sneak peak to some new tracks for the next album. Come by to catch one of Broken Scar's last few solo shows, hang out and enjoy the yummy food at Fasta Pasta.
See you there!
Venue: Fasta Pasta. Ikano Power Centre. (Opposite Starbucks)
Date: 18 August 2006. Friday
Time: 8pm
Broken Scar will be performing two 45 min sets filled with some covers, songs from the album and a sneak peak to some new tracks for the next album. Come by to catch one of Broken Scar's last few solo shows, hang out and enjoy the yummy food at Fasta Pasta.
See you there!
Sticky: Leaving For Melbourne
12 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Monday, August 14, 2006 at 11:38 AM.

Dear Friends,
I don't quite know how and where to start writing this to you so I'll just jump right into it.
Many said that 2006 was going to be a challenging year, what not with the price hike in almost everything but to me, the first half of it has been nothing but a fantastic ride. It's like running a race since January, non-stop till now, working on my day job as well as my music. God has laid such a wonderful path for me to run and I loved every single bit of the entire journey. It was hectic and tiring but very worth it.
I received a Confirmation of Enrolment to SAE Melbourne in June to finish up my degree in Audio Engineering. In the past few months, I've been juggling my third major task, which includes securing a spot in the college, running around with the applications, making endless calls and emails to the college, making applications for the visa, medical check ups and all the necessary arrangements and preparations to leave for Melbourne. It has been nerve wrecking waiting around for the approvals, doing everything for the very first time in my life but it has sped up my learning curve.
There is more to do from now till I leave and if it all goes well, I will be leaving for Melbourne in mid September.
"But wait, if you leave, what about the whole music thing you have here?" asks dD.
Now this question hits the spot. It's been something I've been struggling with all year. I started this Broken Scar journey in 1998 when I first wrote Scratch. I've been working hard and I gave my all into my music. I secured a day job for two reasons, 1, because I love audio engineering and everything that goes on behind the scenes when it comes to music and 2, because my salary will be able to fund my music endeavors. I cannot say that I've made it because I have not but I'm enjoying the hike towards that. I am proud of what I've done and achieved with all of this hard work and effort. I feel like it is finally paying off. This is in no way a snobbish statement or anything. I am happy with where I am and that I have come this far.
It has been a dream come true. Making my album because one day I can look back and even if I don't manage to make a second album, I can say, "hey, I've made an album and I fully own it". Scratch, Down and Soul reaper has gained airplay. Scratch has hit number one on several charts. Broken Scar is nominated for an Anugerah Era. All these things are huge to me!
But here's the best part. I've made many good friends along the way both musicians and non- musicians.
I wouldn't have been able to get this far and do all these things without any of them and hey, you know who you are.
Alda has been one of the key people through these past few years. I wouldn't have been able to get to where I am if it weren't for the wise and insightful advice he offered coupled by long conversations, weighing out the pros and cons before making decision. It was good that I could run anything by him from day one. When he first got involved in the project, he has been nothing but a blessing to me. This guy is dedicated man. Musically, the chemistry is perfect. I didn't have to tell him what to do and he had all the freedom to put his own flavour into the songs. As friends, we discussed about this whole leaving for Melbourne and leaving this Broken Scar project behind issue.
Manshaan is one of the most diverse drummers I've come to know and be friends with. He's one heck of a talented metal drummer and we tamed and toned him down to play mellow with us.
Paul Chuah. This guy is like the most hardworking guitarist I know. He recorded a whole demo of Scratch with his guitar parts on it, did the pre-production work at home, and showed it to me to see if it's okay before actually recording those parts. Thanks bro.
Zack Kim. The most creative and insane guitarist I know. Not to mention one of the fastest too! Despite all that, he is the most humble and down to earth guy you'll ever meet.
Alex Ang. A great friend and musician. Talented like nobody's business! We could just jam a 7 song set twice and head out for a gig. Oh, he never even really knew the titles or the songs before that. Again, a guy who does his homework. Good on you Alex!
Shelley Leong. It's funny how we actually met for the first time for a movie. Az Samad, thanks for teaching me how to play “Latah Setinggan”. Oh, thanks for all the tips and advice.
Jerral, it was really cool having played with you for gigs.
Zalila Lee. Thanks for the all the honest, uncensored advice and constructive criticism. I believe that only real friends will tell you the truth and it has helped me a great deal.
There are heaps of musicians that meant a lot to me. I don't mean to offend anyone, but the list will go on too long. You know who you are.
The Troubadours, Sei Hon, Jerome and Azmyl. I wouldn't have been playing as many acoustic shows if it weren't for you guys. All these shows at La Bodega and KLPac has crafted me to be the singer-songwriter I am today. Thanks for all the great shows!
Everyone who has watched me play, thanks a bunch!
I guess since Broken Scar started as a solo singer songwriter outfit, Broken Scar is coming with me wherever I go. I guess I could continue this dream and passion over there in Melbourne and see what happens. I can't tell the future and I can only hope for the best. It's a big step and a huge sacrifice to leave all these great friends behind.
My dad asked me why I come back so late at night these days. More like early in the morning. I simply answered, "I just wanted to spend as much time as possible with my friends as well as push my music as far as possible. Do as many gigs while I can with the time I have left."
This is by far one of the biggest and most difficult decisions I have to make in my life. I've been torn apart in every angle possible. Well, if you've read this far, poke fun at me, call me emo, but I don't care. I have every right to be. I'm struggling with a heavy heart as I write this, flipping back and forth in my mind, "Should I go or should I stay? What do I do?"
Nine out of ten people I've spoken to about this said, "go, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, seize it and go. Experience it."
Damn, I better stop here before this letter starts to sound like a suicide note.
P/S: I’ll definitely have more to say about this and there’ll be more emo posts to follow up, I’m sure.
I don't quite know how and where to start writing this to you so I'll just jump right into it.
Many said that 2006 was going to be a challenging year, what not with the price hike in almost everything but to me, the first half of it has been nothing but a fantastic ride. It's like running a race since January, non-stop till now, working on my day job as well as my music. God has laid such a wonderful path for me to run and I loved every single bit of the entire journey. It was hectic and tiring but very worth it.
I received a Confirmation of Enrolment to SAE Melbourne in June to finish up my degree in Audio Engineering. In the past few months, I've been juggling my third major task, which includes securing a spot in the college, running around with the applications, making endless calls and emails to the college, making applications for the visa, medical check ups and all the necessary arrangements and preparations to leave for Melbourne. It has been nerve wrecking waiting around for the approvals, doing everything for the very first time in my life but it has sped up my learning curve.
There is more to do from now till I leave and if it all goes well, I will be leaving for Melbourne in mid September.
"But wait, if you leave, what about the whole music thing you have here?" asks dD.
Now this question hits the spot. It's been something I've been struggling with all year. I started this Broken Scar journey in 1998 when I first wrote Scratch. I've been working hard and I gave my all into my music. I secured a day job for two reasons, 1, because I love audio engineering and everything that goes on behind the scenes when it comes to music and 2, because my salary will be able to fund my music endeavors. I cannot say that I've made it because I have not but I'm enjoying the hike towards that. I am proud of what I've done and achieved with all of this hard work and effort. I feel like it is finally paying off. This is in no way a snobbish statement or anything. I am happy with where I am and that I have come this far.
It has been a dream come true. Making my album because one day I can look back and even if I don't manage to make a second album, I can say, "hey, I've made an album and I fully own it". Scratch, Down and Soul reaper has gained airplay. Scratch has hit number one on several charts. Broken Scar is nominated for an Anugerah Era. All these things are huge to me!
But here's the best part. I've made many good friends along the way both musicians and non- musicians.
I wouldn't have been able to get this far and do all these things without any of them and hey, you know who you are.
Alda has been one of the key people through these past few years. I wouldn't have been able to get to where I am if it weren't for the wise and insightful advice he offered coupled by long conversations, weighing out the pros and cons before making decision. It was good that I could run anything by him from day one. When he first got involved in the project, he has been nothing but a blessing to me. This guy is dedicated man. Musically, the chemistry is perfect. I didn't have to tell him what to do and he had all the freedom to put his own flavour into the songs. As friends, we discussed about this whole leaving for Melbourne and leaving this Broken Scar project behind issue.
Manshaan is one of the most diverse drummers I've come to know and be friends with. He's one heck of a talented metal drummer and we tamed and toned him down to play mellow with us.
Paul Chuah. This guy is like the most hardworking guitarist I know. He recorded a whole demo of Scratch with his guitar parts on it, did the pre-production work at home, and showed it to me to see if it's okay before actually recording those parts. Thanks bro.
Zack Kim. The most creative and insane guitarist I know. Not to mention one of the fastest too! Despite all that, he is the most humble and down to earth guy you'll ever meet.
Alex Ang. A great friend and musician. Talented like nobody's business! We could just jam a 7 song set twice and head out for a gig. Oh, he never even really knew the titles or the songs before that. Again, a guy who does his homework. Good on you Alex!
Shelley Leong. It's funny how we actually met for the first time for a movie. Az Samad, thanks for teaching me how to play “Latah Setinggan”. Oh, thanks for all the tips and advice.
Jerral, it was really cool having played with you for gigs.
Zalila Lee. Thanks for the all the honest, uncensored advice and constructive criticism. I believe that only real friends will tell you the truth and it has helped me a great deal.
There are heaps of musicians that meant a lot to me. I don't mean to offend anyone, but the list will go on too long. You know who you are.
The Troubadours, Sei Hon, Jerome and Azmyl. I wouldn't have been playing as many acoustic shows if it weren't for you guys. All these shows at La Bodega and KLPac has crafted me to be the singer-songwriter I am today. Thanks for all the great shows!
Everyone who has watched me play, thanks a bunch!
I guess since Broken Scar started as a solo singer songwriter outfit, Broken Scar is coming with me wherever I go. I guess I could continue this dream and passion over there in Melbourne and see what happens. I can't tell the future and I can only hope for the best. It's a big step and a huge sacrifice to leave all these great friends behind.
My dad asked me why I come back so late at night these days. More like early in the morning. I simply answered, "I just wanted to spend as much time as possible with my friends as well as push my music as far as possible. Do as many gigs while I can with the time I have left."
This is by far one of the biggest and most difficult decisions I have to make in my life. I've been torn apart in every angle possible. Well, if you've read this far, poke fun at me, call me emo, but I don't care. I have every right to be. I'm struggling with a heavy heart as I write this, flipping back and forth in my mind, "Should I go or should I stay? What do I do?"
Nine out of ten people I've spoken to about this said, "go, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, seize it and go. Experience it."
Damn, I better stop here before this letter starts to sound like a suicide note.
P/S: I’ll definitely have more to say about this and there’ll be more emo posts to follow up, I’m sure.
I say too much when I'm not supposed to.
You're not listening anyway.
I have to learn to not care so much.
You don't appreciate it anyway.
It's all about the momentary unseen against the often forgotten ordinary, laid right in front of you that I’m left with, isn’t it?
It makes things interesting but I know I’m seeing the headlights coming right against me.
Sit back.
Watch this beautiful train wreck that I’ve created.
You're not listening anyway.
I have to learn to not care so much.
You don't appreciate it anyway.
It's all about the momentary unseen against the often forgotten ordinary, laid right in front of you that I’m left with, isn’t it?
It makes things interesting but I know I’m seeing the headlights coming right against me.
Sit back.
Watch this beautiful train wreck that I’ve created.
Thursday, 03 August 2006
Starbucks Music Series

This time around we shared the stage with The Sofa Sessions

Shahril of The Sofa Sessions does some cool bass tapping lines

I wanna tap too!

Ywenna, shows me the face

Effa goes ooOOoO...

Broken Scar and Fly

Rhapsody. We're all a family. We share musicians.

A cold drink to call it a night...slurp. And oh, since it was my camera, I didn't manage to take any pictures of our set. I have videos though.
Friday, 04 August 2006
Cosmic Funk Express' Last Show @ Jazz Fest Mont Kiara

Zack, larger than life!

Yo! Alex, look here...

Alda's basses. Albert, this is for you. A closer view of the 4 string fretless. It still looks like it has frets in this pic.

The setlist

Check out the audience

Cosmic Funk Express. Alda, Zack & Alex

We had to take this shot!
I know there are probably a million and one pictures of the boys at their last show and I didn't get many pictures from Front Of House, but hey, I can say that I am the only one who has exclusive backstage pictures! The perks of being Alda's bass tech! Woohoo!
Starbucks Music Series

This time around we shared the stage with The Sofa Sessions

Shahril of The Sofa Sessions does some cool bass tapping lines

I wanna tap too!

Ywenna, shows me the face

Effa goes ooOOoO...

Broken Scar and Fly

Rhapsody. We're all a family. We share musicians.

A cold drink to call it a night...slurp. And oh, since it was my camera, I didn't manage to take any pictures of our set. I have videos though.
Friday, 04 August 2006
Cosmic Funk Express' Last Show @ Jazz Fest Mont Kiara

Zack, larger than life!

Yo! Alex, look here...

Alda's basses. Albert, this is for you. A closer view of the 4 string fretless. It still looks like it has frets in this pic.

The setlist

Check out the audience

Cosmic Funk Express. Alda, Zack & Alex

We had to take this shot!
I know there are probably a million and one pictures of the boys at their last show and I didn't get many pictures from Front Of House, but hey, I can say that I am the only one who has exclusive backstage pictures! The perks of being Alda's bass tech! Woohoo!
Ever since school days, I’ve always found it hard to wake up early in the morning to catch the school bus and stay awake during the day at classes. Then I’d come home after school, take a nap and pretty much forget the events of the morning that just passed. Head out for tuition later and pretty much struggle my way through that as well. I’d then come home tired and pretty much retire for the night way earlier than anyone of my peers do. I seem to need more sleep than others. What was wrong with me?
I don’t really know what it is, but lately I have to try harder to sleep at night and try even harder to stay awake in the day. I could make up for lost sleep at night, in the day before this, but now I just can’t seem to get any sleep at all. My body’s tired, my eyes are tired, but my mind just won’t give it a rest. What is wrong with me?
How come some people could ace through the day with such flaming energy despite getting only 4 hours of sleep? I have make sure I rest and sleep well for important events. If not I’d either screw things up or say the wrong things. How come I need so much sleep to be fully alert?
I don’t really know what it is, but lately I have to try harder to sleep at night and try even harder to stay awake in the day. I could make up for lost sleep at night, in the day before this, but now I just can’t seem to get any sleep at all. My body’s tired, my eyes are tired, but my mind just won’t give it a rest. What is wrong with me?
How come some people could ace through the day with such flaming energy despite getting only 4 hours of sleep? I have make sure I rest and sleep well for important events. If not I’d either screw things up or say the wrong things. How come I need so much sleep to be fully alert?
Seventeen Magazine
Yes, that's right! Broken Scar is in the current August Malaysian edition of Seventeen Magazine. Get it at your nearest news stands today! Huge thanks to Elina Ismail.
Here's a link to the Seventeen's website:
Musiccanteen Top Ten Podcast
On another note, Broken Scar is interviewed on Musiccanteen's Top Ten Podcast, episode 19. Huge thanks to Simon!
Here's the link to the download page:
Yes, that's right! Broken Scar is in the current August Malaysian edition of Seventeen Magazine. Get it at your nearest news stands today! Huge thanks to Elina Ismail.
Here's a link to the Seventeen's website:
Musiccanteen Top Ten Podcast
On another note, Broken Scar is interviewed on Musiccanteen's Top Ten Podcast, episode 19. Huge thanks to Simon!
Here's the link to the download page:
Okay, so the blog has been terribly neglected lately. Well, it’s because I’ve been juggling work, gigs, hanging out with friends and spending time with family. I only have a month left back home before I leave for Melbourne. It’s not the end of the world, but I just want to make sure that I’ve “lived” it up while I’m here.
So the Starbucks Music Series has just ended for me, tonight. The series is still going on with other acts on the bill though. Broken Scar played at three different Starbucks outlets as a duo, with Alda on bass. We played at Starbucks Bangsar, Sunway Pyramid and finally the Damansara Town Centre outlet. All three venues were amazing and heaps of fun!
I just want to take this time to thank everyone who came out to see us. We had a great time playing to such wonderful and responsive audiences throughout our sets over the three dates. We made new friends a long the way as well as we spent good times hanging out with a whole bunch of good friends. The post gig hanging out is always heaps of fun that it seems almost compulsory to have that’s session. It’s cool how we could talk about everything under the sky from past gig experiences to cars and go-karts.
Thank you, Starbucks Coffee for providing great venues and a fantastic platform for musicians to reach out to the public, KLue Magazine for organizing and covering the shows and Digi for sponsoring these shows, bring them to another level higher! Thanks Warren for inviting Broken Scar and giving us this opportunity to be a part of this prestigious series.
Thanks to those who bought our CDs as well. I hope you are enjoying it.
Oh, I also did an interview with The Star earlier before the Starbucks show with Debbie Chan. It was such a laidback, relaxing interview. I wish that all interviews were like this one. I had a great time and it was fun taking those funny pictures. It’s hard to be natural and pretend that the camera is not there when the flash just keeps going off and the sound of the shutter keeps clicking, but it was nevertheless, tones of fun!
As I sit here typing, I recall all these wonderful, sometimes crazy off topic conversations that spark from every meeting with different individuals at shows, after shows or the usual hanging out with my friends. Oh, not forgetting the long drives and the conversations that come with it.
In the past six months, I’ve made so many new friends that I wish I had more time to spend with them before I leave. Oh well, I guess the reality of it is kicking in real hard but there’s always the power of technology, email and msn to keep in touch.
I feel that the best things in life are the little things, and family and friendship are one of the things that are so common that they tend to be brushed aside and subconsciously, taken for granted. I’ve always cherished little moments as I’m a “moments” person, but it’s more apparent now that I’ll be leaving the country.
I guess watching “Lake House” and “Click” has also put me in this little emo phase. Haha. By the way, those two movies are awesome! I’d definitely want to watch them again. Really good heartfelt movies. Not forgetting “Pirates 2” and “Tokyo Drift”.
So this is what happens when you neglect your blog for too long. You end up writing long essays about your life story and whining. I’ve got so much to say, but my mind seems to be speeding faster than my fingers can type.
“I’ve got so much to say, but there’s so little time”, Venus In September. I do write what I mean in my songs.
I’ll probably be writing about where I work and what I do in the next post or so. Just for the heck of it. Goodnight for now.
So the Starbucks Music Series has just ended for me, tonight. The series is still going on with other acts on the bill though. Broken Scar played at three different Starbucks outlets as a duo, with Alda on bass. We played at Starbucks Bangsar, Sunway Pyramid and finally the Damansara Town Centre outlet. All three venues were amazing and heaps of fun!
I just want to take this time to thank everyone who came out to see us. We had a great time playing to such wonderful and responsive audiences throughout our sets over the three dates. We made new friends a long the way as well as we spent good times hanging out with a whole bunch of good friends. The post gig hanging out is always heaps of fun that it seems almost compulsory to have that’s session. It’s cool how we could talk about everything under the sky from past gig experiences to cars and go-karts.
Thank you, Starbucks Coffee for providing great venues and a fantastic platform for musicians to reach out to the public, KLue Magazine for organizing and covering the shows and Digi for sponsoring these shows, bring them to another level higher! Thanks Warren for inviting Broken Scar and giving us this opportunity to be a part of this prestigious series.
Thanks to those who bought our CDs as well. I hope you are enjoying it.
Oh, I also did an interview with The Star earlier before the Starbucks show with Debbie Chan. It was such a laidback, relaxing interview. I wish that all interviews were like this one. I had a great time and it was fun taking those funny pictures. It’s hard to be natural and pretend that the camera is not there when the flash just keeps going off and the sound of the shutter keeps clicking, but it was nevertheless, tones of fun!
As I sit here typing, I recall all these wonderful, sometimes crazy off topic conversations that spark from every meeting with different individuals at shows, after shows or the usual hanging out with my friends. Oh, not forgetting the long drives and the conversations that come with it.
In the past six months, I’ve made so many new friends that I wish I had more time to spend with them before I leave. Oh well, I guess the reality of it is kicking in real hard but there’s always the power of technology, email and msn to keep in touch.
I feel that the best things in life are the little things, and family and friendship are one of the things that are so common that they tend to be brushed aside and subconsciously, taken for granted. I’ve always cherished little moments as I’m a “moments” person, but it’s more apparent now that I’ll be leaving the country.
I guess watching “Lake House” and “Click” has also put me in this little emo phase. Haha. By the way, those two movies are awesome! I’d definitely want to watch them again. Really good heartfelt movies. Not forgetting “Pirates 2” and “Tokyo Drift”.
So this is what happens when you neglect your blog for too long. You end up writing long essays about your life story and whining. I’ve got so much to say, but my mind seems to be speeding faster than my fingers can type.
“I’ve got so much to say, but there’s so little time”, Venus In September. I do write what I mean in my songs.
I’ll probably be writing about where I work and what I do in the next post or so. Just for the heck of it. Goodnight for now.
Cosmic Funk Express' Last Show TONIGHT!
1 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Friday, August 04, 2006 at 2:34 PM.

I know this post is a little late, due to my neglect but here it is anyway. The message below is adapted from Alda's blog.
Official Announcement
Dear friends,
With this, I’m sad to announcement that Cosmic Funk Express has disbanded, Due to the reason that Zack has left the band and is set to return to Korea. Because of this, Alda and Alex have decided to call it quits but perhaps with a new hope that someday they will find a new lead instrumentalist to continue Cosmic’s legacy.
On behalf of the band, we would like to take this time to thank everyone who has supported us along our journey and we’re really sorry for letting you guys down.
Thank you so much and we love you all
Alda, Alex and Zack
After a lenghty discussion, We've decided that we owe it to everybody to have a farewell gig.
our last gig would be the Mont Kiara Jazz Fest. we would be playing all our songs. and i hope everybody comes down to give Zack a warm sending off.
plus, feel free to bootleg this show.
4th August 2006
Plaza Mont Kiara (court yard)
9pm to 10.45pm
Official Announcement
Dear friends,
With this, I’m sad to announcement that Cosmic Funk Express has disbanded, Due to the reason that Zack has left the band and is set to return to Korea. Because of this, Alda and Alex have decided to call it quits but perhaps with a new hope that someday they will find a new lead instrumentalist to continue Cosmic’s legacy.
On behalf of the band, we would like to take this time to thank everyone who has supported us along our journey and we’re really sorry for letting you guys down.
Thank you so much and we love you all
Alda, Alex and Zack
After a lenghty discussion, We've decided that we owe it to everybody to have a farewell gig.
our last gig would be the Mont Kiara Jazz Fest. we would be playing all our songs. and i hope everybody comes down to give Zack a warm sending off.
plus, feel free to bootleg this show.
4th August 2006
Plaza Mont Kiara (court yard)
9pm to 10.45pm
Digi & Starbucks Music Series
3 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 at 1:00 AM.

Click HERE for more info.
28 JUL 8.00pm Starbucks Coffee Bangsar Telawi
29 JUL 3.00pm Starbucks Coffee Sunway Pyramid
03 AUG 8.30pm Starbucks Coffee Damansara Town Centre
04 AUG 8.00pm Starbucks Coffee Subang Jaya SS15
11 AUG 8.00pm Starbucks Coffee Centrepoint
12 AUG 3.00pm Starbucks Coffee The Curve
25 AUG 8.00pm Starbucks Coffee Damansara Uptown
26 AUG 3.00pm Starbucks Coffee Sunway Pyramid
01 SEP 8.00pm Starbucks Coffee Mont' Kiara