A Gig Update
Venue: La Bodega, Changkat Bukit Bintang, KL
Date: 17 July 2005 (Sunday)
Time: TBC
Cover Charge: TBC
Check this space for more updates.
Broken Scar will be performing for one of the open mike slots, hopefully as a stripped down band version.
Venue: La Bodega, Changkat Bukit Bintang, KL
Date: 17 July 2005 (Sunday)
Time: TBC
Cover Charge: TBC
Check this space for more updates.
Broken Scar will be performing for one of the open mike slots, hopefully as a stripped down band version.
Today stamped a milestone in this musical journey that I’m on as the most official decision was made when John’s Mistress signed the distribution deal with @19 Records. It has been a long process of reading and cross-referencing contracts. Finally it has been sealed.
There’s just this urge to spill my heart and thoughts and hopefully I might find out why at the end of this.
There are a million and one things that people keep to themselves and will never ever be revealed to anyone. Everyone has that baggage on their backs. But there's always a way to unload that excess baggage. By telling stories, perhaps?
The road seems straight and fairly clear right ahead. But when the road comes to a fork, Red Riding Hood will definitely have to make a decision. It’ll definitely make it easier for her if there were signboards. So let’s assume there are two signboards clearly pointing out, “Home Sweet Home” and “Big Bad Wolf” respectively. Which path would she choose? Would she be wise enough to know “not” to take the path down to meet her potential murderer? If she knows the consequences and yet she decides to take that route, she may as well invest in this thing called the rope, tie it up nice on a tree branch nearby and leave the rest to imagination.
So there are no signboards at crossroads. It’s a risk and a gamble to pick the right one. Will it be the one that looks more appealing or the one that presents you with risks and hurdles?
As for me, I’d go for the risk. The risk of losing some, but will eventually gain in the end.
Eyes closed, fingers crossed.
There aren't always clear cut answers but God will always provide the answers and reveal the right paths.
There’s just this urge to spill my heart and thoughts and hopefully I might find out why at the end of this.
There are a million and one things that people keep to themselves and will never ever be revealed to anyone. Everyone has that baggage on their backs. But there's always a way to unload that excess baggage. By telling stories, perhaps?
The road seems straight and fairly clear right ahead. But when the road comes to a fork, Red Riding Hood will definitely have to make a decision. It’ll definitely make it easier for her if there were signboards. So let’s assume there are two signboards clearly pointing out, “Home Sweet Home” and “Big Bad Wolf” respectively. Which path would she choose? Would she be wise enough to know “not” to take the path down to meet her potential murderer? If she knows the consequences and yet she decides to take that route, she may as well invest in this thing called the rope, tie it up nice on a tree branch nearby and leave the rest to imagination.
So there are no signboards at crossroads. It’s a risk and a gamble to pick the right one. Will it be the one that looks more appealing or the one that presents you with risks and hurdles?
As for me, I’d go for the risk. The risk of losing some, but will eventually gain in the end.
Eyes closed, fingers crossed.
There aren't always clear cut answers but God will always provide the answers and reveal the right paths.
Current Album Playing On Winamp: Matchbook Romance – Stories And Alibis
It’s funny how things turn out to be. About thirteen to fifteen years ago, I thought that rock music was for people who can’t sing and all they could do to mask that is to scream and shout, play their instruments as loud as they can to hide their mistakes and basically just make noise. Who would have thought that I’d end up a rocker?
I love music. However, I don’t know whether I’d be entitled to be labelled a music enthusiast as I really don’t know my “stuff” enough. I listen to everything from one extreme to the other, from jazz to metal. I don’t know what it is that attracts me to a song but somehow if I were to have a tune lingering in my head and I’d have to listen to song after song, album after album, band after band, I’d spend my entire life to do so as my list of songs and bands never seem to end! That’s how much I listen to. Not only that, I don’t limit myself to genre and style. The stuff I listen to are simply too diverse. But then again, I don’t really “know” my music as I listen to too many types. I’m like a jack of all trades and master of none. I don’t know my emo bands well but I listen to a whole load of it, I don’t know jazz at all but I love it and I don’t know the radio stuff as I don’t listen to radio.
I listen to a whole lot of mainstream as well.
At the end of the day, I couldn’t be bothered about labels. I just love music.
I can’t talk to someone about a particular genre, I don’t always know the band member’s profiles and names.
Current Top Five:
1. Matchbook Romance
2. A Thorn For Every Heart
3. My Chemical Romance
4. Funeral For A Friend
5. The Used
It’s funny how things turn out to be. About thirteen to fifteen years ago, I thought that rock music was for people who can’t sing and all they could do to mask that is to scream and shout, play their instruments as loud as they can to hide their mistakes and basically just make noise. Who would have thought that I’d end up a rocker?
I love music. However, I don’t know whether I’d be entitled to be labelled a music enthusiast as I really don’t know my “stuff” enough. I listen to everything from one extreme to the other, from jazz to metal. I don’t know what it is that attracts me to a song but somehow if I were to have a tune lingering in my head and I’d have to listen to song after song, album after album, band after band, I’d spend my entire life to do so as my list of songs and bands never seem to end! That’s how much I listen to. Not only that, I don’t limit myself to genre and style. The stuff I listen to are simply too diverse. But then again, I don’t really “know” my music as I listen to too many types. I’m like a jack of all trades and master of none. I don’t know my emo bands well but I listen to a whole load of it, I don’t know jazz at all but I love it and I don’t know the radio stuff as I don’t listen to radio.
I listen to a whole lot of mainstream as well.
At the end of the day, I couldn’t be bothered about labels. I just love music.
I can’t talk to someone about a particular genre, I don’t always know the band member’s profiles and names.
Current Top Five:
1. Matchbook Romance
2. A Thorn For Every Heart
3. My Chemical Romance
4. Funeral For A Friend
5. The Used
Fete De La Musique
2 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 11:56 PM.


Broken Scar Live At One Utama, Fete De La Musique. Look at the smiling faces in the background.
Fete De La Musique on Saturday at One Utama's new wing was a smaller and more intimate set up compared to the stages in KL on Sunday. The audience was supportive thanks to the HELP students and some visitors. I want to thank Joy and Elaine for coming to the show and lending their support.
Now, Sunday was an experience to remember. I walked so much, it felt as if I did a tour of KL.
First I performed at Times Square as Broken Scar with my brother from Army Of Three on acoustic guitar. He is normally the bassist with Army Of Three. The audience on the ground floor were very receptive and supportive. Initially, we prepared four songs but because the audience kept asking for more, we ended up playing six songs. There was this feeling of fulfilment and purpose.
Then, we moved on to a performance spot. This was a total disaster. There was literally no crowd to play to. So just for fun, we jammed two songs and left. We then hung out at the Sg Wang stage to watch the other bands while waiting for Army Of Three's slot at the stage.
When the time came, all chaos broke loose. Well, actually, it was organized chaos. A group of friends and I raced up the stage, grabbed two mics and did the shouting parts of their last song, "I'll Never Walk Away". This threw the audio crew into panic mode. They thought we were going to mob the band and run away with a wireless mic. Little did they know, it was all part of the plan and performance. Again, a feeling of fulfilment.
After all that was over, we were supposed to return to Times Square to play another slot, but we were running a little late to go to La Bodega for the Troubadours gig where Saiful got Broken Scar a slot for open mic.
So we arrived at La Bodega, signed up for open mic and just played our heart out to a bunch of friends who were ever so supportive and warm, this time in a more laid back and controlled environment. The setup at La Bodega reminded me a lot of Shelley's songwriter's Avenue over at Le Benardin. Notice how both the venues have similiar looking names? I enjoyed the laidback setup, the ambience of the place and the feel was just right. Thanks so much Saiful for getting Broken Scar a slot and thanks to Sei Hon and Jerome Kugan for allowing us to perform.
Watch Out For That Hole
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Saturday, June 18, 2005 at 1:55 AM.

*Taken at Paul's Place
It was indeed one heck of a Broken Scar full band debut gig to remember. In my opinion, the set was solid and the band was tight, just like in the rehearsal studio, what do you think?. The only thing missing was the “feel” on stage as it sounded really thin from where we were. But according to the audience, the front of house sound was good. I’d take Shelley’s and Adam’s word for it. All in all, the response from the audience was alright and our music managed to reach a good number of people, judging from the people who signed up on the Broken Scar mailing list. It was a good show.
But that’s not the only reason to remember this gig for life. I was “scratched” and “scarred” but thank God nothing was broken. I fell into a hole that was about half a floor down, about a good 6ft or so. I landed right on my bottom. The first thing I said was, “I think my arm is broken”. But in no time, Paul helped me up, I chilled for a bit, moved about for a bit, did a soundcheck, and the show went on as planned.
It’s hurting like mad now though. It hurts to type so I’ll stop for now.
Special thanks to the amazing Alda and the talented Manshaan for playing with me for this gig.
I also want to thank Saiful and FYI for organizing a great gig and giving Broken Scar a slot.
Not forgetting all of you in the audience that were receptive and supportive. Thanks to all of you who signed up for the Broken Scar Mail. I will be mailing you real soon.
More Gigs Lined Up!
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Thursday, June 09, 2005 at 8:27 PM.

In addition to the gig at Paul's Place on 17 June 2005, Broken Scar will also be performing at the Fete De La Musique 2005 on 18 and 19 June 2005.
The venue and time for the Fete De La Musique shows are yet to be confirmed.
Do keep those dates free as Broken Scar will be performing as a full band along with a very special guest on lead guitar that will blow you away.
Come to the gig to find out who the band members are and who this mystery guitarist is. You will not be disappointed.
The venue and time for the Fete De La Musique shows are yet to be confirmed.
Do keep those dates free as Broken Scar will be performing as a full band along with a very special guest on lead guitar that will blow you away.
Come to the gig to find out who the band members are and who this mystery guitarist is. You will not be disappointed.

Click Image To Enlarge

Click Image To Enlarge
Fear No Music
Venue: Paul's Place
Date: 17 June 2005 (Friday), 8pm onwards
RM 10 Entrance Fee
Featuring 13 Tribes, Doze, Dragon Red, Soft Touch, Y2K, Outwrite & Broken Scar
Outwrite and Broken Scar are not in the flyer because this is due to a last minute addition as opening bands.
The Killing Heidi Dance
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Sunday, June 05, 2005 at 3:02 PM.

Soundcheck. Look at the crowd even at soundcheck!

An Eager Audience. Easily 8000 to 10000 pax. This goes all the way back to the end of the foyer, mind you.

Gerhana Ska Cinta

Gerhana's Frontwoman.

JB Station, the first band to compete. These guys are really talented. The guitarist is only 18 and nicknamed "baby" for obvious reasons. The singer has an Amy Lee tone and the band was really into their music and they rocked. For a band put together for the competition and only had minimal practice, they sounded and looked professional as if they'd been together for a while now. Plus, they are friendly too.

Orange was next. These guys were great technically as all the other bands were. Each member were skillful in their individual instrument and craft. I was blown away by technicality, but I personally didn't "feel" this band.

The Winning Band, Dyana.
Now this band really deserved to win. They had the skill, energy and charisma of an internation act. The band, especially the singer reminds me a lot of the Australian band, Killing Heidi.

They came, they rocked, they conquered!

Tap Away...

It was difficult to catch a clear and still picture of the whole band on camera. Boy, did they move a lot! Their energy and stage presence was amazing!

The Killing Heidi Dance

Emcees Nana and Rostam of Era.fm

Gerhana's Brass Section
The digicam died after this.
I enjoyed the other bands that were in the competition, but my personal favourite has to be Dyana. Other artistes performed as well, including Flop Poppy, Pretty Ugly, Ella and others.
After a while, my ears were tired and after all that guitar shred, bass slappin', soulful singin', and all that "rock", fatigue kicked in.
So, I met up with Albert after that and that was when the toy purchasing frenzy started. The pictures will testify.

...Autobots Lineup





Bumble Bee

The Package
All of the above, including Cosmos from the previous pictures and post are from Transformers Generation One. I only remember Generation One the clearest, and everything else after that all the way till the Japanese V For Victory Era has been a slight blur, but I remember bits and pieces here and there. The headmasters, pretenders, Victory Leo, Star Saber and Victory Saber.
These are all pleasant memories from the good old childhood days. Now, I proudly own a box full of these characters that was unaffordable in the past. These guys are timeless!
Flash Gig! Free Entry!
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Friday, June 03, 2005 at 9:25 PM.

Flash Gig.
Here are the details:
Bring Out 'Yer Daughters.
A completely disorganized gig/jam session and excuse to hang out with friends over cheap beer.
Paul's Place
Saturday 4 June 2005
after 9pm.
No enterence fee,
just buy lotsa beer and bask in the odor.
Come to watch or jam.The following bands/individuals (not in any particular play order) will probably be milling about comparing orifices
Ben's Bitches
Azmyl Yunor
360 Degree Head Rotation (in trio mode)
Broken Scar
Eu Seng
Carburetor Dung
Paul Millot
And anyone else who'd like to play. Goto http://www.360dhr.com and click Venues for map to Paul's
Here are the details:
Bring Out 'Yer Daughters.
A completely disorganized gig/jam session and excuse to hang out with friends over cheap beer.
Paul's Place
Saturday 4 June 2005
after 9pm.
No enterence fee,
just buy lotsa beer and bask in the odor.
Come to watch or jam.The following bands/individuals (not in any particular play order) will probably be milling about comparing orifices
Ben's Bitches
Azmyl Yunor
360 Degree Head Rotation (in trio mode)
Broken Scar
Eu Seng
Carburetor Dung
Paul Millot
And anyone else who'd like to play. Goto http://www.360dhr.com and click Venues for map to Paul's