Fete De La Musique
2 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 11:56 PM.


Broken Scar Live At One Utama, Fete De La Musique. Look at the smiling faces in the background.
Fete De La Musique on Saturday at One Utama's new wing was a smaller and more intimate set up compared to the stages in KL on Sunday. The audience was supportive thanks to the HELP students and some visitors. I want to thank Joy and Elaine for coming to the show and lending their support.
Now, Sunday was an experience to remember. I walked so much, it felt as if I did a tour of KL.
First I performed at Times Square as Broken Scar with my brother from Army Of Three on acoustic guitar. He is normally the bassist with Army Of Three. The audience on the ground floor were very receptive and supportive. Initially, we prepared four songs but because the audience kept asking for more, we ended up playing six songs. There was this feeling of fulfilment and purpose.
Then, we moved on to a performance spot. This was a total disaster. There was literally no crowd to play to. So just for fun, we jammed two songs and left. We then hung out at the Sg Wang stage to watch the other bands while waiting for Army Of Three's slot at the stage.
When the time came, all chaos broke loose. Well, actually, it was organized chaos. A group of friends and I raced up the stage, grabbed two mics and did the shouting parts of their last song, "I'll Never Walk Away". This threw the audio crew into panic mode. They thought we were going to mob the band and run away with a wireless mic. Little did they know, it was all part of the plan and performance. Again, a feeling of fulfilment.
After all that was over, we were supposed to return to Times Square to play another slot, but we were running a little late to go to La Bodega for the Troubadours gig where Saiful got Broken Scar a slot for open mic.
So we arrived at La Bodega, signed up for open mic and just played our heart out to a bunch of friends who were ever so supportive and warm, this time in a more laid back and controlled environment. The setup at La Bodega reminded me a lot of Shelley's songwriter's Avenue over at Le Benardin. Notice how both the venues have similiar looking names? I enjoyed the laidback setup, the ambience of the place and the feel was just right. Thanks so much Saiful for getting Broken Scar a slot and thanks to Sei Hon and Jerome Kugan for allowing us to perform.
What a gig filled weekend!
It was a gig filled weekend indeed. It was definitely an experience to remember. Although, it wouldn't hurt to have my other half there throughout the entire weekend to share it with.