Published by Kevin Broken Scar
on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 at 11:11 PM. 
The cosy venue at The Exchange Hotel
DJ B2WO, da man himself a.k.a. co-organizer of the gig. Thanks bro!
Yours truly, the red returns!
The very talented, Ian Wilks. I had the pleasure of working with him in the studio not too long ago and I am scheduling more sessions.
The Broken Scar crew! Well, this shot was with those who hung out till the end of the gig, thanks guys. Sorry we didn't all get to take a massive group photo. A million thanks to everyone who turned up. I had a great time and I hope you enjoyed yourselves at the gig too. I knew I had a fantastic night when the six songs just went by so quickly and before I knew it, I was playing the last song already. Oh, you all sounded beautiful singing along to the songs. You're like my dream choir! Thanks for the support! For those who might want to know my set list for the night, here goes:
Venus In September
Hey You
Shooting Star
Until I Fall (The new track I've been working on)
Hope to see you at the next show. Cheers!______________________________________________________
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Published by Kevin Broken Scar
on Monday, August 20, 2007 at 12:31 AM. 
For those of you in Melbourne, I'll be playing a gig this Sunday and I'm really hoping to see you guys there. There'll be great finger food, board games, live music and more. Bring your friends, it’ll be a chilled out evening to catch up. It'll be happy days! Here are the details:
Venue: The Exchange Hotel.
39 Bay Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207.
(If you're taking the tram, take the 109 on Collins Street and head towards Port Melbourne. Get off at the last stop which is the Port Melbourne stop. Walk along the seaside till you see Bay Street on your left. Walk on Bay Street and you will see The Exchange Hotel. It's hard to miss. It'll only be a 10 minute walk from the tram stop)
Date: 26 August 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 6pm
Cost: It'll cost you nothing but a smile! (Free of charge that is)
Performers: DJ B2wo, Leon Wilks, Broken Scar and others.
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Published by Kevin Broken Scar
on Friday, August 17, 2007 at 1:51 AM. 

Spider Pig, Spider Pig, does whatever a Spider Pig does.
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Published by Kevin Broken Scar
on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 at 4:13 PM. 

Since Albert's blog was down for a while now, I haven't visited till a few weeks ago. The Glaring Notebook is up and running again! Hooray!
I've been noticing that my friends have been Simpsonized and I was like, man, those characters sure look a lot like my friends. I didn't chase it up until I spotted it on Albert's blog. Here's to you Albert! Cheers!
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Published by Kevin Broken Scar
on Sunday, August 12, 2007 at 12:35 AM. 

1/2 Dozen Mixed Hot Oysters. Waterfront Tasting Plate For Two
A closer look
Lobster Thermidor
Another close up
These pictures were taken at a restaurant called Waterfront at Station Pier in Port Melbourne. It was the best three-course meal ever! The seafood could not have been any fresher. The highlights were definitely the Seafood Chowder that came in little cups with the Waterfront Tasting Plate, all the mouth watering oysters and lobster. The ambience was just surreal and the lighting definitely made the whole experience memorable. This explains the lack of light in the pictures too. Time to save up for the next trip because I'm craving it already!
*Note to self: Went to Waterfront on, Tuesday night, August 7th.
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Published by Kevin Broken Scar
on Saturday, August 11, 2007 at 1:01 PM. 

William from The Academy came out to do a song with the Starship.
The highlight for this gig somehow is not the headliner. Cobra Starship was the star although I didn't know any of their songs. Their showmanship and energy just propelled the band to set the bar so high for the night. The singer was formerly in a band called Midtown. I guess this set him apart because he has been in the industry for a while now and his experience, maturity, charisma and command shines right through. Crowd interaction was flawless. The band was tight and the delivery of the songs were spot on.
The Academy Is was awesome, no doubt but I thought they lacked the energy live and the album sounds better. Well, they could have been tired as they've been on the road for so long. So, it's all good.
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Published by Kevin Broken Scar
on Tuesday, August 07, 2007 at 3:50 PM. 

Spot the difference between the last two pictures. The screen shows up from nowhere!
I love this new toy of mine. I was using a Rio Unite 130 which wasn't mine and it died on me. I went back to my good old Sony Discman since the Rio died. It was old-skool all over again and I loved it. High quality audio, straight from the CD. But then my discman is old and it was skipping my CDs slightly, even though the anti-shock was turned on (the anti-shock was a gem in the discman's earlier days).
So now, meet my new friend, the Sony mp3 player, which doesn't have a cool model name like, the IPod, Rio or Zen. It's just plain, Sony Walkman, digital music player. Sweet and simple.
In an attempt to briefly review this new toy, here's the run down.
Transferring mp3's from my computer to the player is harder than other devices. You would have to install its proprietary software, SonicStage, import the mp3's into the software, which takes a while and only then are you able to transfer the songs onto the player, which also takes a while. This means there are two "transferring/converting" stages. I left it to transfer 7 albums while I went to take a shower, by the time I came out, it was only about 60% completed. So it is pretty slow and it won't be the best if you're in a hurry. You can't delete anything on the player itself too. You could only do this via SonicStage.
This also means that you can't transfer mp3's from other computers if you don't have the SonicStage software installed. It limits the transfer of mp3's which I think is both good and bad. Good because it slows down mass copying and bad because you would have to be home to do any transfering.
Audio quality wise, it's true to the Sony tradition. Crystal clear audio with just enough parameters in the EQ section to customise a suitable EQ setting to your liking. I didn't have to do much EQ-ing. I personally don't like too much bass going straight into my ears but Sony's tend to be quite gentle with the bass (which I think is awesome) so I boosted a little bass and pretty much left everything else flat. The audio is just awesome. It's perfect.
*Side note: When I'm mixing a band either live or during a mix down session, I am generous with the bass, because you could feel it especially through the subs, live.
For a 2GB mp3 player, retailing at RM399, I feel that it's not the best mp3 player in the market, but it's definitely value for money. I prefer this compared to the IPod shuffle because this has a screen so that I could actually see what I'm listening to and it has enough essential functions that an mp3 player needs. All in all, it is all I need in an mp3 player and I'm happy. Oh, plus it's small and sleek. It's a Sony! (Does the ad voice)
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Published by Kevin Broken Scar
on Thursday, August 02, 2007 at 3:45 PM. 

I just needed some form of release. If watching DVD's won't do it for me, I'll go and buy some more! Yes, I am a freak. I went to JB Hi Fi with a plan to buy Paramore's albums. I ended up browsing the whole store (mind you, the store is pretty huge), picked up Paramore's latest album, Riot! and decided to leave the previous album for the next trip down to JB.
I saw Spinal Tap's DVD as well and I instantly picked it up. I've been wanting this DVD for the longest time and the last time I saw it, it was retailing at over $30. I bought it for $13 and it's a 2 DVD set.
Then there's Sugar Ray's edition of Music In High Places, an adventure DVD series where they take big artists to great sights to perform live.
As I was growing up, I was exposed to a lot of Cliff Richard and The Shadows. So
I saw the Shadows DVD for 10 bucks and I just had to get it. Also there's Aerosmith's first ever live DVD which I couldn't resist. It was also just 10 bucks.
Finally, this would be the odd one out of the lot. It's a hip hop DVD called The Industry, a documentary about the Hip Hop industry, what goes on behind the scenes, rivals between labels and stuff. Not sure if it's good or not, but it looked alright so I thought, why not? After all, I'm in the music industry and I like docos anyway.
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on
Published by Kevin Broken Scar
on Wednesday, August 01, 2007 at 11:54 PM. 
Today, I lost it. I lost the motivation to work on the songs for a bit because my ears are still incredibly fatigued and I've been exhausted. My senses and judgement were completely out of whack and pushing on will just prove unfruitful. So I threw in the towel for the day and watched a DVD instead. I thought it'll free my mind a little bit and refresh my creative side but it didn't quite help.
Today, I lost it. I lost the direction I was on course for. I can't see the destination. It's as if I've set sail into the wide open ocean without a compass not knowing where North is. I'm trusting God to take me wherever the wind blows.
Today, I just lost all feeling. I am numb from this exhaustion.
On a lighter note, I knew someone who pronounces the word "fatigue" as FAT-TEEG-GHEE-YOU. It cracks me up!
Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on