JamTank.com In KLue Issue 81 July 05
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Sunday, July 03, 2005 at 6:03 PM.

Special thanks to Abby from KLue for the picture
"KLue celebrates music—our music. We present the top 10 albums, 24 best songs, and offer our appreciation to some of the most important people in the Malaysian music scene"...www.klue.com.my
As part of the music issue, KLue magazine features an article appreciating the people in the Malaysian music scene and have included the faces behind JamTank.com in the July 05 issue.
On behalf of everyone at JamTank, I would like to thank KLue for this wonderful opportunity to be a part of this feature.
The picture above was one of the many shots that were taken that did not make it on the magazine. I must say, the pictures turned out beautiful with that touch of nostalgia.
Once again, thanks to Abby for the pictures and to the fantastic photographers at Studio Pashe.
Please purchase yourself a copy of the latest KLue magazine and read all about it. Alternatively, you could also log on to, www.klue.com.my
Support our local music scene!
A little background on JamTank.com
When was it launched?
JamTank had a beta version running in the fourth week of September in 2002 and officially rolled out the forums on October 1st, 2002. Meng was roped in to do the design for the webfront, which was launched a month after that.
Where did you come up with the idea for JamTank? Why did you decide to start it?
This is one of the ways that we could contribute to the scene. Each member is contributing in his own way, based on the respective capabilities of each individual. As always, the sum is greater than its parts. Teamwork is the key.
We have always wanted a key focal point for our scene; JamTank is working towards being that focal point.
What's the idea behind JamTank? What are you trying to achieve?
There were already many other Malaysian indie music fansites offering articles, reviews and downloads – in this respect there was no reason to create a similar, cookie-cutter website. JamTank is differentiated because of its focus on building an online community via the forums, something that other sites perhaps had inadequately addressed.
We have since augmented the forums with content ranging from free music to gig and CD reviews – however, we would still be focused on delivering JamTank’s core offering – the community.
Log on to www.jamtank.com now and sign up to be a member. Membership is free of charge.
- Interview with Khai Yin (founder of JamTank) taken from Dragon Magazine
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