Published by Kevin Broken Scar
on Sunday, April 24, 2005 at 12:56 AM. 
8th April 1994
This is the year I had a dream that would have changed my entire life. I dreamt of a rocker, now a legend by the name of Kurt Cobain.
I saw his face as he walked towards me and said something. The words were a blur. I didn’t have the faintest idea who he was or what he was saying.
I realised it was just a dream, but the next thing I knew, Nevermind was heavily in demand and his face was all over the press and media. What happened? Who was he? He was Kurt Cobain and he was found dead on 8th April 1994.
Nevermind had a very unique album cover design and his songs were heavily rotated on radio. Despite all the hype, I did not get into grunge or even near rock.
It was only in 1996 that I had another encounter. Here he was again, this time speaking with much clearer words in a brighter light. The words were simple, but it changed everything from then on. He said, “Why don’t you just pick up the guitar, listen to some Nirvana and we’ll see what happens?” With those words ringing in my ears even after I was wide awake, I went around school asking about Nirvana.
Nirvana was big back then and I was too much of a geek to know who he was. Everyone listened to Kurt and picked up the guitar to his tunes. I learned as much as I could from my seniors and peers. I learnt every song on Unplugged In New York and jammed as much as I could.
Those words ring through until today. It can get a little scary. I wonder if it were a big coincidence or it was meant to be. It could have well been the power of the media that crept into my mind and created those images and words. It could have been a wild imagination from too many movies.
Nevertheless, I had nothing to lose and all to gain.
This post is for the benefit of those who missed the John's Mistress interview on Xfresh FM on 21st April 2005 where I told this story to the masses.
RIP Kirk Obain.
I just want to share something similar to your story. When I was 14, I was getting into composing songs and there were so many times I played a song and the next minute, I heard the songs I played on the radio. So I thought then maybe I could have heard it before and played it by ear. So I went on playing my own tunes. Then, one day my friends heard me play the piano after our tennis game and asked me to play one of the songs I composed. Reluctantly, I did and they enjoyed it. A few months later, the same tune was played on the radio. My friends freaked out, but nothing can beat what I felt back then. It’s scary, it’s weird. I stopped composing ever since but I hope you'll continue what you do because I have no courage to do so.
Yours sincerely,
The girl who owes u ice-cream. (secret *wink*)
Don't have to be all anonymous now Julienne. I'll expose the truth.
Anyway, I'll keep on writing. I believe that our ears and mind are so powerful that it absorbs songs we may have heard somewhere, but never really paid attention to them. It just never registered, you know?
I'll keep on writing, no doubt.
*sigh*....why you expose me.Say bye bye to your ice-cream ler. =P
About songs not registering into the head,I agree.But on my part..doubt I did hear it before.It was a new release.*scary* *scary*