Excitement, how does a person actually relate this to another?
Maybe not being able to sleep the night before a gig and a road trip, drinking too much water and going to the loo way too many times and eating countless sweets and candy will fit the bill.
The trip to Melaka was like a dream. I’ve been to Melaka a few times now but this time it seemed different. This time heading south is for a totally different reason yet with a familiar traveling “feel” to it. It wasn’t a typical day-trip. I had a mission. I was off to a gig!
The best part is that I had supporters in the same car that I was in. I had my family!
How did I feel about it? I was like a child on the very first trip out to the unknown.
Music is just simply mystical. Just like the image of God is unfathomable, that is precisely why music is in the same light. This is because it is God sent.
A good two hours had passed and now we slowly pulled into Melaka town. Melaka is such a quaint town. There is just so much history there. There’s just this nostalgic “feel” to it, don’t you think so? If I were a professional photographer, I’d make more trips here to capture the “life” of Melaka town.
Back on track now, when I arrived at Mahkota Parade, I could see the commotion at the main entrance from the car park. There it was, the first ever Starbucks in Melaka, right at the main entrance opposite Coffee Bean. It was quite a large scale event. They were giving away free drinks and even had an open house from 4pm to 6pm.
I was greeted by one of the Directors and was forwarded to the marketing person in charge of the event and performers. I would say that I was very well taken care of.
There’s also this joy of seeing your name on the performers list written on the board.
Overall, the event was a success. The performers were great. I enjoyed Bedsheet Wonders and Fallen Leaves featuring Sue of Her Reverie.
Bedsheet Wonders reminds me a lot of Radiohead. I admire the range of the Dave’s vocals. The riffs were really catchy too.
Despite the usual front man’s absence, Fallen Leaves was great and Sue has such a soothing voice, it’ll lift you off the ground. Not forgetting the very beautiful Tacoma in her hands. Did you know that Philip and James sound almost alike? They should do duets in future!
Oh, how did my set go? Yours truly actually opened the show and felt pretty good about it, but this is not for me to judge. The audience is always listening, you judge. I was overwhelmed by adrenalin once again and time seemed to pass so fast up one stage. In no time my set was over.
Here’s the list of the five songs I played by the way:
Hey You
Midnight In St Kilda
The Bleeding Confession
It was such an honor to be a part of this wonderful event organized by Starbucks. How often does a person get to perform at the first ever opening of a Starbucks outlet in Melaka? That’s right. Once in a lifetime!
By the end of the event, I overdosed on Green Tea Frappacino and was ready to go home.
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