2004 At A Glance
2 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 at 2:34 PM.

1. 27th January 2004. Broken Scar. Tuesday Nights at Pauls
2. 10th April 2004. John’s Mistress. Good Golly It’s A Gig. First JM gig at Pauls Place.
3. 21st May 2004. John's Mistress. One Night, Many Voices. Qings N Kueens Single Launch. JamAsia Rockstation.
4. 21st June 2004. John’s Mistress. Fete De La Musique. Changkat Bukit Bintang.
5. 21st June 2004. Broken Scar. Fete De La Musique sidewalk performance. La Bodega
6. 17th July 2004. John’s Mistress. Mix FM Roadrunners Celebrity Weekend. Baywatch Cafe.
7. 13th August 2004. Broken Scar. Starbucks Chillout Series Bangsar
8. 15th August 2004. Broken Scar. Starbucks Chillout Series Mont Kiara
9. 31st August 2004. John’s Mistress. Merdeka Celebrations at Ikano Power Center.
10. 17th November 2004. John’s Mistress. Motley Fest. HELP Institute
11. 20th November 2004. Broken Scar. Shelley Leong’s Songwriters Avenue #1. Le Benardin.
12. 10th December 2004. John's Mistress. Catholic High School Prom Nite. Times Square Hotel
13. 17th December 2004. Broken Scar. Chill Out At Paulie's.
Looking back at 2004, I realise that I couldn't have done all the above on my own. Firstly, without the Great and Almighty, I wouldn't have had half the chance.
Without bandmates, there'll be no band.
Without the gig organizers, there'll be no gigs.
Without the fellow musicians, there'll be no fellowship.
Without the audience, there'll be no show...
I'm thankful for the festivals that I was able to be a part of and for the intimate shows too.
Click the below for some reviews:
Songwriters Avenue 20/11/2004
You could also download mp3's of the set at the gig. Thanks Er Lern for recording the set.
Metro, The Star Newspaper (Friday 26th November 2004)
Thanks to Er Lern and Debbie for such wonderful reviews.
P/S: Please feel free to nudge me if I missed out any gigs. Thanks.
Sorry.Never manage to get into any gigs due to busy scedule but I'm always here to give you my sincere support! May you have another "musical" year ahead!! All the best.
Thank you so much for the support, Julienne. Hope to play more in 2005.