Strange Familiarity
2 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Monday, November 29, 2004 at 7:46 PM.

Here I am again, walking along familiar pathways, hands gliding against familiar walls and listening to familiar echoes humming back at me in the stairwell.
Was it that long since the last time I left this place? It’s not all that long ago actually. It was way too short to even forget the sound of waves in the air here. If only the gap from then till now could be longer and time would stand still for experiences that are not in any way familiar.
It’s never easy. There seems to be no shortcut to coping and adapting to changes. Regardless of the outcome, changes being for better or for worse, they still remain as uneasy to live through.
There are about a thousand and one lines that can be quoted on time slipping through one’s fingers or time zapping pass faster than a blink of an eye. Quote all you can, there’s just not a thing one can do once a moment had passed.
So here I am again, many moments passed and now seated physically comfortable in a familiar chair surrounded by the familiar four and a half walls. Why four and a half walls? That half is glass of course.
Was it that long since the last time I left this place? It’s not all that long ago actually. It was way too short to even forget the sound of waves in the air here. If only the gap from then till now could be longer and time would stand still for experiences that are not in any way familiar.
It’s never easy. There seems to be no shortcut to coping and adapting to changes. Regardless of the outcome, changes being for better or for worse, they still remain as uneasy to live through.
There are about a thousand and one lines that can be quoted on time slipping through one’s fingers or time zapping pass faster than a blink of an eye. Quote all you can, there’s just not a thing one can do once a moment had passed.
So here I am again, many moments passed and now seated physically comfortable in a familiar chair surrounded by the familiar four and a half walls. Why four and a half walls? That half is glass of course.
are you talking about your room or work place? *_*