
I've always been complaining that I've never won a single thing in my life before. Well, complain is a strong word, so maybe not complain, but somewhere along those lines. I've entered giveaway-contests to win the prizes offered but I've always failed. At first I thought it was maybe because I didn't want it bad enough or that I didn't put in as many entries. So I gave up entering any of these contests, thinking that I'll never win because I'm not destined to. I thought to myself, if I can't win the prize, I'll just go buy it. But there's still this awesome feeling when you win something, you know?

Recently I was told that maybe I don't enter enough contests, therefore limiting my chances of winning. So to prove a point, I tried to pick it all up again. The first try was a Snickers bar contest. There's a grand prize draw but that wasn't the aim. There was a smaller prize where you could redeem a free Snickers bar if it says so on the inside of the wrapper. So I bought one and to my surprise, I won! So I thought, okay, that could have been a fluke. I tried a few more times and to date, I've won 3 bars already! As simple and small as it sounds, it was exciting!

So I entered this other contest in an audio magazine called Mixdown and look what came in the mail today! A pack of strings and a stack of CDs! I was stoked!

Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on www.mytracks.com/brokenscar

2 Responses to “Jackpot!”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    hmmmm, when your luck is on a roll? perhaps its best to try for the national lottery!

  2. # Blogger Kamelia

    I've never won anything too! But I am trying right now. Hopefully I get the car!  

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    Who Is Broken Scar:

    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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