Look what I found burried underneath the heaps of pictures in folders. This is probably the first time ever that I played any of the Broken Scar songs live with a band.
It was such an honor to have played Scratch with the Q&K boys. Thanks guys! This was during their single launch sometime back in 2004 I think. Boy, does time fly.
The Popcorn Incident
5 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 at 11:27 AM.

Too many pictures too little words. So here comes a little story to accompany all these visuals.
As you as see in the picture above, it looks like some kind of bag is inside the microwave. I was just thinking aloud, “hey, won’t it be cool if they have microwavable popcorn?” and guess what, they do! It comes in a little packet, not larger than a bar of those Cadbury chocolates but once you put it in the microwave it expands.
So before I started, I made sure I read the instructions. It says:
1. Make sure bag does not touch the sides of the microwave
2. Set microwave to “high” for 1 to 5 minutes. Do not pass 5 minutes.
Simple enough. I set the microwave to 4 minutes just to be safe.
One minute passed. The smell of the butter was excellent.
Two minutes passed. Starts popping.
Three minutes passed. Popping like a war zone in the microwave.Four minutes passed. Chaos! The microwave started to smoke! The bag caught fire! But once I opened the microwave, there was no more fire, leaving thick smoke!
It was the bag catching fire that was the irritating part, it was the smoke alarm that won’t quit ringing high frequencies into our ears! I fanned the room, opened all the windows to let the smoke escape. This is by far the coolest experience ever man! Can add this to the coffee shop story telling list. Thank God I didn’t burn the house down.
Because of this first failure, I bought another pack and gave it another go just a few days ago. I set it to 3 minutes this time and stood right in front of the microwave, ready to press the stop button if it catches fire again. This time round, it worked and we had a good time laughing about it. The end.
Lingham Lane Mothership
2 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Monday, September 25, 2006 at 11:53 AM.

Headed out to St. Kilda for dinner and dessert. I didn't get to take pictures of dinner coz I was too hungry. My bad.

The gelato here is out of this world

So this is the main purpose why I was in St. Kilda, to see The Cat Empire! I understand that pictures won't really do much justice to the band, so here's their MySpace:

It was an awesome show. One of my favourite Aussie band. They played almost about two hours and yet we all wanted more.

The gelato here is out of this world

So this is the main purpose why I was in St. Kilda, to see The Cat Empire! I understand that pictures won't really do much justice to the band, so here's their MySpace:

It was an awesome show. One of my favourite Aussie band. They played almost about two hours and yet we all wanted more.
Broken Scar Scores Another Number One
1 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Wednesday, September 20, 2006 at 4:18 PM.

Dear Friends,
I was just surfing through the Xfresh website randomly and I found that "Down", Broken Scar's second single has hit number one on the Xfresh Independent Charts!
Click on the link below to view it and continue voting.
Thanks heaps to everyone who has voted. You are awesome! Salute!
I was just surfing through the Xfresh website randomly and I found that "Down", Broken Scar's second single has hit number one on the Xfresh Independent Charts!
Click on the link below to view it and continue voting.
Thanks heaps to everyone who has voted. You are awesome! Salute!
Farewell Show Pictures
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Monday, September 18, 2006 at 3:27 PM.

Here are some pictures from the farewell show. There were so many people there but I only managed to take these pictures. Actually, my brother Darren was taking the pictures. Wish I took pictures with everyone.

Special guests, The Sofa Sessions

Daphne, our beautiful emcee for the night

Special guests, Qings & Kueens

The lineup for the show:
The Sofa Sessions
Qings & Kueens
Broken Scar
The Set List:
1. Scratch
2. The Bleeding Confession
3. Venus In September
4. Hey You
5. Shooting Star
6. Rock And Roll All Night (Kiss Cover)
7. Clocks (Until You)
8. Soul Reaper
9. Silence
10. Down

Special guests, The Sofa Sessions

Daphne, our beautiful emcee for the night

Special guests, Qings & Kueens

The lineup for the show:
The Sofa Sessions
Qings & Kueens
Broken Scar
The Set List:
1. Scratch
2. The Bleeding Confession
3. Venus In September
4. Hey You
5. Shooting Star
6. Rock And Roll All Night (Kiss Cover)
7. Clocks (Until You)
8. Soul Reaper
9. Silence
10. Down