Troubadours / Open Doors KLPac
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 11:54 PM.


Alda's Double Bass Making A Debut

Debuting The Double Bass With Broken Scar

Birthday Boy Alda, Enjoying His Birthday Song

If only this were a snapshot from "Making The Video"

A Shot From where The Audience Were. Thanks Jerome!
Alda brought out the giant for this show. We jammed and thought, let's just do this.
KLPac is something to be proud of. It's just that it seems a little far off and inaccesible. Despite all that, people still came out to catch the show. Here's a big thanks to the organizers, Troubadours, KLPac, Ian Chow, Azmyl, Sei Hon, Jerome and everyone who came out to the show.
The set felt mellow this time around maybe because of the dim lights to set the feel, the double bass and the slower numbers. It sure was a whole lot of fun and excitement to deliver these songs in this setting and to a brand new audience. It was also very cool to play Down, a punk rock kinda tune with Alda on double bass and also it was the first time I've ever played the birthday song.
Oh, it was freezing in "Pentas 2" where we played.
To read a review, head over to:

Crazy G Introducing Broken Scar

Alex Is On Fire

Alda Let's His Hair Down

Emily Seen In Action Again

Broken Scar, The Trio
So, first came the videos, now the pictures and the blurb. It was a good night for Broken Scar. We played first, which is not always a negative thing. Playing first almost always means that the band will not play to the full capacity of the crowd for the night because knowing Malaysians, they mostly show up only later in the night ones half the line-up is through or so. However, the pro was that we got the sound we wanted from soundcheck.
The songs had a breath of new life with the full band coming in. The spontaneity and chemistry of the band was just right. The fact that we only had two jam sessions and Alex managed to learn all the songs and pulled it off effortlessly was just sweet.
Overall, the night was eventful. Thanks to the good friends that came out to the show, Aaron, Lindsey (Please correct my spelling bro), Chino and Michelle. Thanks guys.
Troubadours/Open Doors
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Sunday, February 26, 2006 at 5:48 PM.

Come 26 February, KLPac & Troubadours Enterprise will be launching Troubadours / Open Doors, an all-new monthly series of live performances.
For those who are unfamiliar with Troubadours, it is a regular music event held around the Klang Valley since April 2005. Helming this enterprise are singer songwriters Azmyl Yunor, Tan Sei Hon and Jerome Kugan who organized Troubadours as a showcase for local talents performing original music. Troubadours night are intimate and friendly, and attended by a diverse group of musicians and music-lovers.
With this new collaboration, the core objective remains the same – to feature talented Malaysians who write and perform original material, solo or in a band. However, this series is partly driven towards introducing new musicians to the local scene. It serves as a much-needed platform for such musicians to showcase their work.
To kickstart Troubadours / Open Doors, an exciting line-up of old and new names on the local circuit promises a refreshing fusion of original music. Featured musicians include Azmyl Yunor, Broken Scar, Ian Chow and Da Praise Project. Exclusive to the launch will also be an independent short film screening prior to the performances, featuring the works of James Lee, Tan Chui Mui and Azharr Rudin.
Troubadours / Open Doors series will take place on the third Sunday of each month at KLPac.Those interested to showcase their music, please email your biodata and song lyrics to and
Status : Active
Category : Concert
Duration : 26 February 2006V
enue : Pentas 2
Price : RM10
Presenter : KLPac & Troubadours Enterprise
Musiccanteen Top Ten PodCast
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Saturday, February 25, 2006 at 1:19 PM.
Check out the entire show. Feel free to download it and spread the word!
Broken Scar - Scratch Live Video
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 at 12:31 PM.

Recorded at Xcited Screamers' Album Launch, 24 September 2005.
Zack Kim (Cosmic Funk Express): Guitar
Alda Tan (Cosmic Funk Express): Bass
Imran (One Buck Short): Drums
Videos From Heart Rock
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Monday, February 20, 2006 at 12:12 AM.

The Bleeding Confession -
Silence -
Here are some older videos from the Xcited Screamers Album Launch, also recorded at Jam Asia.
Down -
Scratch -
To watch all my videos, CLICK HERE.
Thanks to Albert for taking the videos.
Thanks to Zack for inspiring me to put up these videos. Make sure you drop by his blog to watch some mind blowing, jaw dropping, insane rubber fingers guitar playing and get a taste of Zack's unique Touch Style guitar playing. CLICK HERE.
Diamonds In The Sky
1 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Friday, February 17, 2006 at 2:58 AM.

As I recall, one of those nights during the Chinese New Year week, we were all amused with the array of flashing lights coming from various fireworks that came in every form, shape, colour and variety just blazing in the sky. The smoke from these fireworks choked up the sky which reminded me of the time that the haze hit us really bad. Then, like a miracle, there was the rain. The smoke began to give way, washed away by the rain and the sky began to refresh.
So there we were, on the front porch, looking up at the sky admiring the diamonds aligned above. What a beautiful sight. It wasn’t often that we get such clear skies here. January and February would probably be the hottest period of the year but the weirdest thing is that it still rained as if we’re in the monsoon season.
So tonight was one of those nights. I was unpacking my car, unloading the gear from jamming. Something just prompted me to look up in the sky. Somehow, that’s something I find very soothing especially after a long tiring day. It’s the most rewarding when you look up, and lo and behold, a sea of stars dancing up there, shimmering and glimmering. I just can’t help but think that God is simply awesome, creating all this beauty. The luminosity is just simply unfathomable. There’s just such mystery. Simply awesome!
What more can I say? The jam sessions were great, and the sky seemed to agree. Alex and Alda are both amazing musicians and I’m thankful to have them play for Broken Scar.
18th Feb, JamAsia. See you at the show!!!
P/S: Yes, I'm a sucker for the little things in life that we often take for granted. The rain, the sky, the stars. Every now and then, I guess I have to step back, take a deep breath and appreciate all these things.
Days seem to pass faster than they used to. In no time, weeks would have also zoomed by without notice. Blogging lately has also been sporadic. Again and again like a merry-go-round, it just seems like there’s so much to do, but so little time.
So where did the weekend go? The weekend was spent in Johor Bahru for work purposes. Sure, there was slogging and hard work, spent both in the burning sun and pouring rain spanned over two solid days. Yes, it was tiring, strenuous and yes, we were all flat out by the end of the day. However it wasn’t all work and no play. There are always perks in every situation we’re in.
There were good times filled with laughter during our chill out sessions. The food was inconsistent. It could be at an all time high and at an extreme low. When it was good, we ate till we could barely walk. When it got bad, we’d just fill up just nice to get by till the next meal.
So what is it that I do anyway? I hold a day-job as a live events audio engineer. I guess that’s pretty much all I can say about that. My life pretty much revolves around music and sound doesn’t it?
The weekend event went pretty well and there is a slight sense of accomplishment because the team that I lead saved the day when the resident sound system failed during the Launch Ceremony where the Menteri Besar of Johor was supposed to give a speech. It was within a split second that we took over and all was fine. Sigh of relief.
On another note, I think I’m going deaf. I seem to listen to stuff way louder than everyone else lately, be it on headphone or on speakers. Got to constantly remind myself to tone down and tune in to sounds lower in volume.
Troubaganger: 5th Feb 2006
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 at 10:00 PM.

Broken Scar, The Duo, for the night.

I wonder what Alda is laughing about?


Armed with Emily this time instead of the usual acoustic.
It was really sweet playing to the La Bodega crowd. The sound was slightly different this time around because I decided to try out playing the songs with Emily instead of the usual acoustic. Furthermore, Emily is way easier to carry around. Unlike other Troubaganger/Troubadours sessions, Broken Scar performed as a duo this round, with Mr. Alda Tan on bass.
We started off with "Down" where the audience sang their hearts out, then trailed off to a mellow "Hey You" and finally picked up the pace again to close the short set with "Scratch" where it all happened again, that sweet chorus from the audience.
Thank you all for singing the words with Alda and I. It was the coolest thing ever!
A Walk Down Memory Lane
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Saturday, February 04, 2006 at 7:34 PM.

Stagnant Chainsaw
This was when we still couldn't afford digicams. So the only way to go back then was to snap photos with analog cameras and scan them into the pc way later after they are developed.

Stagnant Chainsaw
From L-R: James Warren, Siang Wei (holding the drumset in place), Sugan, Kevin & Soon.

Obsidian Void
The most technical band I've been in. Love these guys!
From L-R: Kong, Brett, Ian, Kevin & Whye Kong

Obsidian Void Live

John's Mistress
The first line up after the band re-grouped.
From L-R: Daniel, Kevin, Chino & Fumi

John's Mistress
The second line up.
From L-R: Ian, Fumi, Chino & Kevin

John's Mistress Live
You can see that we're having a rockin' good time!

John's Mistress Live
Great times.

Broken Scar with guest guitarist, Brian from Knil Army.

Broken Scar, The Band

Broken Scar, The Band

Broken Scar, with extended family, Zack (Cosmic Funk Express) & Imran (One Buck Short)

Broken Scar, singer-songwriter.
This post took longer than I expected. Looking through the pictures brought back the memories and I just had to stop to absorb them all. So here it is. Above are pictures of some of the bands and individuals that I had the pleasure and honour to play with.
But here I am now with a book in my hand again because I’m sure this is not the first time I’m typing these words. Time has taken its course and my interest has taken a turn. So what made me turn over to this side? It was Jostein Gaarder’s Sophie’s World of course. Since then, I’ve been hooked. However, Sophie’s World had set such a high standard especially being the first novel I actually read with pure interest, other books following that would have to be selected very carefully.
I’ve been very fortunate that not many of the books I’ve picked up were much of a disappointment, thanks to a special someone who picks the best books for me.
So here’s to a lazy rainy day on the couch with a book in hand!
Currently reading, Message In A Bottle by Nicholas Sparks.