Quarter Century!

I've never really been too comfortable broadcasting my birthday to everyone and I've not done that in all my years but somehow I just felt like it this time round. It's always good to have a change in routine and how things are supposedly meant to go. I wish I had felt this earlier, so you guys could have time in advance to go buy me presents. haha.

So yes, today I turn twenty five and it feels great! Regardless of what people say, you don't really need to "grow up" and do grown up things just because each year the number changes. It's just a number. The parties won't stop as long as my body could still take it. So I say, BRING IT ON!

Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on www.mytracks.com/brokenscar

1 Responses to “Quarter Century!”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    happy 25th birthday!  

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    Who Is Broken Scar:

    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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