
The past week has been absolutely amazing! It's been so eventful I could hardly remember everything but all I know that it was heaps of crazy fun. Alda was in Melbourne for about a week and he had just left to fly off to Sydney. I wish I could have hosted Alda at my place though and spend more time just catching up. But all circumstances aside, it was still a blast!

Alda and I went busking near the Queen Victoria Market on Saturday afternoon, joined by Bennie which was a great experience. Looks like there's gonna be more to come int he future.

I can't even think anymore. I thought I had a good blog post before I actually logged on, but I guess I got nothing on me at the moment. Cheers bro, have a safe flight!

Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on

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    Who Is Broken Scar:

    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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