I Chose

I guess this is the life I chose. I chose to go down this path and along came the price I had to pay. It's just like any other paths out there, it always comes with a price tag. Some may view it as a challenge and some may view it as a stumbling block. I however, viewed it as a challenge that I can conquer and making the choice was the easy part. Looking back and reviewing things in retrospect was also an easy task. But the hardest thing to do is when you're right in there, making the changes and adjustments. It gets even harder when emotions kick in.

So here I am, just allowing the emotions to kick in, revved into high gear and taking over the wheel.

I guess this is the price I have to pay for living a double life. I'm neither here, nor there. What now?

Someone read this post and said that it sounded negative and it doesn't quite represent the true situation. I guess the post came out a bit wrongly as I my posts seem quite vague to most but I know exactly what I'm saying. haha. But the whole price I have to pay is having to miss people when I leave one place for the next. It's a privilege though that I get to live in two places and not just one. So yes, this post isn't an negative and ungrateful one, it's just an emo one, dear.


Broken Scar's album, Midnight In St. Kilda is available on http://www.blogger.com/www.mytracks.com/brokenscar

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    Who Is Broken Scar:

    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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