Hey guys, need all the help I can get again.
Firstly, the voting is FREE. No sms, nothing.
It's online and all you need to do is log on to the site, key in a few particulars, and vote.
So what's this all about?
Broken Scar is nominated for Anugerah ERA underthe "Artis Inggeris Tempatan Pilihan" category and I'd appreciate if you could lend a hand in voting for me. Please spread the word!
Here is the link:
Look for Broken Scar, on the left. Enter your name, IC number and email. Then hit "UNDI"
Each one can only vote once so get your friends and family to vote.Thanks a million.
Click here to vote!
Three Shows, Two Days
1 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Sunday, July 30, 2006 at 8:52 PM.

HELP Charity Concert

Doing my bit for charity. Played solo at the HELP charity concert for the SPCA and Selangor Federal Territory for the Retarded Children. I also contributed RM5 from ever CD sold to the charity.
After playing at HELP, Alda and I headed to Fasta Pasta for lunch. Once we were done with lunch, it was practice time! We haven't played together with the double bass for a while now, so we definitely needed to practice to get the feel of it.
Starbucks Music Series at Bangsar, Jalan Telawi.
Click HERE for more pictures.

Press Photo Op

Photo with the performers, KLue, Digi & Starbucks representatives
*The three pictures above were taken by Ili.
There was a little press conference before the show started as this particular show was also the official launch of the series. We all had a great time but I was dead tired at the end of this very long day, driving all over.
Starbucks Music Series @ Sunway Pyramid


Starbucks Sunway Pyramid

The music series, presented by Digi

Adlin serenading Ywenna of Rhapsody

Rhapsody featuring Alda Tan

The double bassman himself



Broken Scar presents dD, Broken Scar's PR/Marketing/CD Salesperson
I don't think I slept too well the night before because I woke up tired. Went to pick the Rhapsody girls and Miss dD before the show. Had a very yummy steak that I've been crazing for lunch at Jack's Place. Hung out for a bit and headed for soundcheck.
Again, we had heaps of fun at this show despite Alda having a blister on his plucking finger. I think the best part of this set was when we played Down. Again, those words thrown back at us, "come back down". Huge thanks to my friends who turned up at the show and sang along to our tunes.

Three tracks from the album, Midnight In St. Kilda is now on Musiccanteen.com.
1. Scratch
2. Down
3. Venus In September
Click on the link below to head over now.
From Down Under To SALT
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Thursday, July 27, 2006 at 9:27 PM.

Calerway Live @ Jam Asia

Calerway from Western Australia. There's even someone in the audiencewearing the same shirt.

Me and the boys
Headed to Jam Asia to catch Calerway. They were playing in Singapore for BayBeats and stopped over in KL to do a show. It was definitely worth the cover charge. Bought some merch and their debut EP too. Good band, good music. Had a good time.
Thursday, 20 July 2006
Jamming @ Akar Karya

Jamming at Akar Karya. It looks like the Broken Scar line-up changes from time to time.
Couple and The Sofa Sessions Live @ The Laundry Bar
Popped by at Laundry after jamming just to hang out and catch Couple

Couple live @ Laundry Bar

Hana, take it away

Hana's last show with Couple

The Sofa Sessions
Sunday, 27 July 2006
Broken Scar Live @ Grace Shah Alam Church

A Perfect Alex

Peel Fresh Alda and Paul. Since I was taking the pictures, I left myself out of the pictures. What a genious! *Slaps forehead*
This was the first time Broken Scar played in a church. It was a very odd experience compared to other times that I've played in churches before this but not as Broken Scar. Oh well...
Sing A Song, Song A Sing?
0 Comments Published by Kevin Broken Scar on Monday, July 24, 2006 at 2:34 AM.

KL Sing Song
Pictures from KL Sing Song 2006. All pictures taken by Albert. I'm sure he'll put up more pictures on his blog soon.


Our emcee for the night, Mr. Jerome Kugan. Also one of the organizers for the show.

Round One: Broken Scar, Rhapsody, Ariff Akhir

Check out the cool lights?

Ariff Akhir

Ywenna and Nicole of Rhapsody

This must be Jasiminne taking pictures of the performers

Laughing our heads off to unintentional comedy

The wonderful audience. Don't be deceived, this picture only shows one eight of the audience that showed up that night.

Round Two: Meor, Pete Teo, Mei Chern

Pete Teo

Mei Chern



We're all one big happy family

Post-show. Backstage.
KL Sing Song has been such a memorable show. It's probably one of the best solo shows I've played.
I actually arrived late for sound check at KLPac because one of our highly skilled pilots decided to land a jet on the Kuala Lumpur - Seremban Highway which caused the traffic to come to a standstill and I was stuck in it for a good 1.5 hours. He must have gone, “Hey, there are the lines, it looks like a long stretch of runway, okay, let’s land on the highway”. I’m sure there was a better reason. An emergency landing due to technical faults perhaps. I was just tensed at that time because the jam was going to make me late. Eventually the authorities opened up the divider in the road and directed us to mane a U-turn. I headed to PJ and back to KL via another route. Phew! Click here for the news in The Star.
So, back to KL Sing Song. I arrived at KLPac and yes, it was cold as I expected it to be. It was a good thing I brought my jacket. So we did a sound check, some lighting placement and we were all set to go. We were on standby backstage in the changing room and pretty much just hung out until we were up.
8:30pm. I kicked off the first round. The format? Three singer-songwriters on stage, performing in round-robin fashion meaning that they take turns to perform.
The crowd needed to warm up at first but it was just simply amazing to see them sing along with me on Down later. "KLPac, be my choir?” I said and the words came back at me, "come back down". You guys are amazing, thank you.
After the first round, we just hung out to watch the second round of performers. And after the whole show was over, all the performers including those who played the night before went up on stage for a bow.
Huge thanks to KLPac, Ian Chow, Troubadours Enterprise, Sei Hon, Azmyl, Jerome, Thia, Jasmine Low and the wonderful audience for making this show a success.
More pictures at Jasiminne's blog.
Click here for a write-up on Xfresh, by Albert.
Unboxed @ Taylors College


I guess this is what people at the back of the stage will see.
Unboxed was a very pleasant show to play at. Met heaps of nice people there and the crowd was very appreciative. I love playing at colleges!
Here's a shoutout to everyone who came to the show at Taylors!
Thursday, 13 July 2006
Moonshine @ LAundry Bar & Xfresh FM MYSO Jam Fest @ Cineleisure
Soundcheck. I somehow think that black and white pictures scream more color than actual colored ones.
Laundry Bar in the day. Bars and clubs look totally different in the day compared to its usual night look and feel. I don't know why but somehow everything about Laundry rocks. Everything from soundcheck to the dinner they serve us to the actual show to the post show and hanging out just makes it an awesome experience. Very comfy!
Alex in soundcheck mode
Alda in soundcheck mode
Yours truly in soundcheck mode
Soundcheck at Laundry Bar is always fun. I said this before and I'll say it again. This is what a proper soundcheck should be. Set up the stage and equipment to our liking, run through almost all the songs in the set list to get a feel of the monitors, sound system and the room. It was good to compare the louder songs and the slower numbers. Thanks to Leonard the sound engineer for providing us great soundchecks and great sound.
Xfresh FM MYSO Jam Fest. Performed on the Xfresh bus again. Had heaps of fun.
After soundcheck at Laundry, I ran over to Cineleisure and did a quick soundcheck on roof of the Xfresh Xplorer, the Xfresh bus. Soon after soundcheck it was time to perform. It was great to play on top of the bus, but it did seem a little impersonal, less intimate. There were a few people who made my day, someone was singing along to every word of Scratch and met two sisters who loved what I do.
After Cineleisure, it was time to rock out at Moonshine!
Do we look like we're having the time of our lives or what?
"We have a special guest that flew all the way in from Boston! Shelley Leong!", Alda and I announced!
I have to say, I had the most fun ever at this gig thanks to my wonderful bandmates, Alda, Alex and Shelley, Mr. organizer himself, Reza Salleh, the amazing audience and all my friends who came out for the show. This was the first time I felt absolutely comfortable and let loose completely, not thinking too much. It was pretty much just rockin out and having a good time!
Our friends, Two Sides To A Story played the first open mic slot. And as always, I stayed till the end of the show catching all the open mikers and hanging out with friends.