From Down Under To SALT

Wednesday, 19 July 2006
Calerway Live @ Jam Asia

Calerway from Western Australia. There's even someone in the audiencewearing the same shirt.

Me and the boys

Headed to Jam Asia to catch Calerway. They were playing in Singapore for BayBeats and stopped over in KL to do a show. It was definitely worth the cover charge. Bought some merch and their debut EP too. Good band, good music. Had a good time.

Thursday, 20 July 2006
Jamming @ Akar Karya

Jamming at Akar Karya. It looks like the Broken Scar line-up changes from time to time.

Couple and The Sofa Sessions Live @ The Laundry Bar
Popped by at Laundry after jamming just to hang out and catch Couple

Couple live @ Laundry Bar

Hana, take it away

Hana's last show with Couple

The Sofa Sessions

Sunday, 27 July 2006
Broken Scar Live @ Grace Shah Alam Church

A Perfect Alex

Peel Fresh Alda and Paul. Since I was taking the pictures, I left myself out of the pictures. What a genious! *Slaps forehead*

This was the first time Broken Scar played in a church. It was a very odd experience compared to other times that I've played in churches before this but not as Broken Scar. Oh well...

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    Who Is Broken Scar:

    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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