Swim Fishy Swim

Here’s a rant.

It's been ages since I've attended a class conducted in BM and boy, have I lost touch. I guess it's just the rebel in me that refuses to absorb anything conducted in BM unless I’m forced to. Since SPM, the only other course I attended in BM was the driving lecture. I find it taxing because I have to actively translate to English in my head.

There's no end to learning and learnt knowledge will definitely not be wasted as it could be used somehow, someday. But at this point, I'm just fed up. Why?

It’s simply because of idiots who cannot express ideas fluently and have poor command of a language which causes miscommunication and confusion.

The Asian mentality is such that the students will never ask questions and the lecturer will just go on and on. I can see why. All the while, the students knew nothing but fear because when they ask a question, the teacher would very likely do the following:

1. Laugh at the student
2. Scold the student (Like that also don’t know ah?)
3. Intimidate the student just to show them who's the boss (if the student asks if there’s another method to a math equation)
4. Make fun of the student in front of the class and end up humiliating the poor kid (just because he doesn’t understand something doesn’t mean he isn’t entitled to asking questions)

(Of course, I’m not talking about all teachers. There are teachers who are the brightest of stars and sweetest of gems)

So there's no wonder why Asian students end up keeping questions to themselves and keeping their mouths shut. They're just too afraid of the humiliation.

So just because that's the norm, it doesn't mean there can't be the salmon of the lot, those who swim up stream and not float downstream like the rest. So now what? The teacher/lecturer is stuck because the student has asked a good and thoughtful question that the lecturer couldn't answer. So to cover it up, he goes ahead and makes a fool of the student. Now that is plain stupidity.

If someone asks you a question, and you don't know the answer, simply say, "I'm not too sure about the answer, but I'll look it up. I'll get back to you when I do get an answer". Simple. I know I'd do that. I'd gladly say, "I don't know" rather than bluffing my way through and covering everything up. Why make a victim out of the student?

So I was caught in a similar situation. I got an idiot of a trainer today. So what did I do? I walked out.

(Of course, I didn't make a scene. Why should I? I picked up my stuff and walked out silently. It's a free world. If you don't like something, don't put up with it. Walk out.)

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    Loves Jesus. Singer. Guitarist. Songwriter. Audio Engineer. Producer. Wears band t-shirts. Wears red t-shirts. Based in Melbourne.



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