Is it Christmas already?

The most unlikely couple. The acoustic guitar and the stack amp.

The ballroom during soundcheck

The Broken Scar Duo

How do we look?

Look at us all dressed up...

An attempt to be emo

The food...yummy!
First the pictures, now here comes the blurb.
It was a blast playing at the HELP Annual ADP/CFP Ball. Alda and I turned up as Broken Scar, the duo tonight, all dressed up for the occasion. It was a college ball after all.
Rewind to the start of it all. It was simple, I arrived and did a soundcheck. Hung out a bit till Alda arrived and managed to do another quick soundcheck together. We were scheduled to open the night with a ten minute set at 7:33pm. Oh how precise. But knowing our Malaysian timing and also the fact that VIPs are always fashionably late, we only kicked off the set about a wee bit after 8pm. Everyone was pretty much restless, tired of the waiting and most importantly, they were hungry for sure. With their stomachs very likely growling, we played our set.
Just a reminder to myself and whoever who is reading this, below are the four songs we played, in order.
Hey You
Shooting Star
Clocks (Until You)
There was a huge audience about 250pax and from where I was standing, it looked like a sea of smiles and lights (due to the huge candles placed on each table). The audience were a beautiful bunch, all dressed up in fancy dresses and all made up looking elegant and poise. Opps...I just realised that I'm only talking about the ladies. Of course I am, why would I notice the men? (How mean of me) but yeah, they were all dressed up too. It was really nice to see some familiar faces, which made it less odd to play to a bunch of people who were united by one entity, the college. Everyone pretty much knew each other.
In all honesty, I didn’t quite know what to say so I fell back on the less is more concept, talk less, play more. Let the guitar, bass and the songs do the talking. All in all, it was a fun set and it felt good to play at a prom once again.
I used to play at proms back when I still had the prom “age”. I didn’t feel odd or out of place this time around because in my mind, I felt young. But in actual fact, Alda and I were probably the oldest ones there besides the lecturers. Oh well, you know what they say, your surroundings determine how you feel.
Anyway, it was good to know that some of the lecturers really liked our songs.
Next up, it was dinner time! The food was yummy but my stomach was problematic. It didn’t stop me from enjoying it though. Soon after, Alda decided to leave. So I packed up and attempted to leave. However, I just felt like I wanted to be back there.
And what can I say? My gut feeling was right. The company was nice and since I had nothing to do, it was a very entertaining night which lasted till the morning.
I think someone got a tad bit carried away with the ornaments...